

I miss you sometimes part 6
(Orange & Mango : The conversation)

O: I am no match to the weight of this pull.
M: And you think I am, my all?
O: This thing is pulling our strings like neither of us has a will¿
M: When it calls, we have to answer the call.
O: But that would be hell!
M: But my eyes can't seem to see past the wall!
O: But I thought we built our faith tall?
M: And we gave it all.
O: This feels more than a hill, and my lungs are not that full.
M: If we don't move we fall.
O: Oh Lord, give me the strength and skill.
M: All I wish is well.
O: But we are drowning in this well?
M: I know dear, don't tell.
O: I am intoxicated by your spell.
M: Then please take a trip and make this still.
O: Sorry, you don't have to make your heart yell.
M: But your clumsy hands are dropping the ball.
O: Maybe it's time we ring the bell..
M: I am bound to fulfil, and if fate allow, we again shall.

© Ommie