

Poppy was plunged into darkness,into a terrifying silence as an unknown force pulled her downwards. Her hand was clasped tightly to her father's,she tried to gain control of her breathing to slow down her throbbing heart and trembling lips.
A hand touched her shoulder lightly, trailing down to her arm and leaving. Her heart jammed into her chest,she breathed in sharply then opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out, it was like some force stole her voice and ability to move.
She shut her eyes even though she could see nothing,more hands caressed her body like she was some new found pet. They whispered into her ears, some laughing and promising her wonderful things, if she let them inhabit her soul, others wailing and cursing her and Humanity.
She wanted to cry or just die but no tears came out of her eyes no matter how hard she tried. It was like a whole new level of torture, like been pricked by thorns wasn't enough for her.
She cried inwardly, her heart begging for peace. Then wondered where she would be if she hadn't been foolish. Maybe I should just give up she thought, then erased it immediately.
No!, I don't want to be like them hopeless, lifeless, suffering in this darkness and wailing like a crazy woman, I want to live.
Poppy fought against their cries, ignoring their pleas even though she had no idea where such will strength came from. A cool feeling swept over her calming her body and her mind. Immediately, she was pushed out of the darkness onto a cold hard surface.
She trembled, keeping her eyes shut then felt for her father. He dragged her up and slightly squeezed her shoulders "it's okay poppy" he whispered, a sweet scent dived into her nostrils, a big constract to her experience in the woods.
she slowly opened her eyes, wondering where it came from fresh and calming. Her mouth dropped at the sight before her, beautiful she thought for she had never seen such a lovely home though it strange was to her.
There were people too, most seated on white comfy looking chairs three in number centering a glass substance that seemed to be a table. They got up and walked towards her smiling "you're even prettier than I thought" the girl squeeled. "welcome to Beethvonin" the lady said with her hand thrust forward, the man merely grinned at her.
"there is no time for greetings!" the black man boomed as he walked towards them "we need to...."
Poppy decided to ignore them, she looked around understanding her environment. Some butterflies fluttered in through two long windows a good distance from the people in front of her.
Their white curtains dancing softly with the wind,a man rested beside the window gazing at her with piercing green eyes and folded arms, his blond hair dropped just above his eyes, she titled her head at him taking note of his slim but fine structure, quite tall too.
The corner of his lip tugged into a half smile, she blinked then looked away, her cheeks heating up.She focused on what she was staring at then gasped, eyes wide.
A large shelf stocked with books of all colours greeted her. She was temped to run there and just rake her hands through their numerous pages and feed her hungry brain, a man also rested beside the shelf though his face was hidden beneath a black hat ,a flower vase with pink roses rested not too far from it.
she grinned, red roses are nice but pink ignites my heart she thought as she took a step towards it but stopped, the black man from before blocked her way."you don't have time for day dreaming" he said, her smile dropped as his words took her back to reality. Heavy waves of tiredness consumed her all of a sudden, she yawned, tears slipping from her eyes.
what is his name again right, Minos. "we need to set things straight for you and you need to understand why you're here and all that has happened to far" he added. She felt an arm on her shoulder she looked up to see her father, his face carrying a frown then looked at the man" she needs rest Minos" her father said.
"rest!" Minos spat like the word was cursed.
She sighed bored of the situation. Never in her life had she been so non-caring but with all she had experienced, she learnt not to worry so much anymore.
"yes rest" her father said. Minos gritted his teeth"alright, then send her back to the morning in her time so that she can rest!"
"give her a break Minos, I mean look at her she looks like she was chewed by a lion and spat out" thelady said"I agree" a the man added, poppy flinched that's heartbreaking she thought I wonder if that hole is still here oh!, it was terrifying.
she looked back but all she saw was a door "it doesn't matter" Minos objected, she glared at him."don't push her Minos she a human being like you" her father said squeezing her shoulder. Minos laughed "oh so now she's human, what happened to her humanity when she...."
"that enough!" a deep voice said, everyone turned to look at the man with blond hair. "Cassio is right, she needs rest" he said calmy, they were silent for a moment.
"fine" Minos whispered grudgingly then walked away out the door. Her father sighed,"let me take you to your room" he said, then lead her past the chairs.
She sacrificed a glance at him but his attention was no longer on her. She sighed"father what if I die in my sleep?"she asked, he gave a little laugh" don't worry you won't die, sleep is an antidote for stress, besides the white brothers don't own sleep realm anyways so they won't get you if that's what you worried about" he explained as he lead her up a ladder. "I am not worried" she grumbled.
She gasped shocked " father why is there a ladder glued to the wall?"
"it's a staircase"
"oh my!" she stated, "a ladder made of stones".
The people giggled behind her as she left. Finally, the man who had been watching every single thing unfold moved from where he rested beside the shelf. He cleared his throat and removed his hat to reveal a face very similar to that of Minos, in actuality Minos himself but from another time.
He dusted his black long coat and gave a curt bow while putting his hat on, the people smiled at him in return. He summoned a black hole and walked into it, keeping his recent sightings in his heart.