

look by at your legacy
sometimes we look back at our years and see where everything of course a lot of people can't say that they try to do things for parents and family that nobody else ever done before and I can't say that I did whatever I was able to do and now I'm looking back at life and possibilities with my grandchildren and my kids my nephews their children now we looking at not even having a legacy because of people that very wasn't mine for about how they treated their parents they didn't love me enough to do the right things and take care of the things that they could do they didn't do it so now we have to look back at at 30 my mom house got paid off and now she looking at now not even having a house house not even fit for anything the kids can't even come and stay and live at peace how don't went down to really a little nothing but that's not how legacy you supposed to be carry out so I still thank God for the good thing and a good time things we still have to share and still going to work on my legacy but after this house of house love of a house that you are never experience again because soon it will be all gone but I've been in this house ever since what 1978 my mom got this house and we've been in this house three times and got paid off eventually by car help but I had a good child life here and it's going to be very sad that it's all going to be gone the neighborhood still okay not bad good people in a lot of the neighbors are still here and a lot of them are gone away I'm just going to miss the memory and I wish things would have turned out better but unfortunate you have some kids that just don't care enough like I said he hate a liar and a thief he hate when you Rob greatness out of people his world never turned away and I noticed I trust him but I didn't have a good childhood I can't say all people can say that I had great grandparents that loaded me I had uncle and aunts that loved at me and did whatever I knew whatever I wanted to do but same time I'm looking back my grandma lost her house because of uprooted children don't care about how they do people property it just people got to get back to love and now watching my uncle's house go down in history the same way and it's sad that you have to break these curses do you kids don't care they don't have no they don't have no children on anything that is things go the way they want it to go but it doesn't go that way reality of life is really life in reality I've been working ever since 1984 I'm not complaining but guess what my mom didn't have to worry about anything my dad didn't have to worry about anything but now as I'm grown I have to worry because the kids are not the way that we are well not like me but I don't expect them to be like me be yourself it goes and yes I do wish that my kids will have got left a legacy but unfortunate we have siblings that don't care oh my how old you Jesus hallelujah but I know you going to make a way for me and I know he never loved me and I know he going to go
© Selena Ellison