

Thousand Faces of Ours
Here is a sample chapter of the current book that I am working on , Please consider commenting.

Congratulations on surviving the previous chapter! If you dare to still read I appreciate your power. The power of acceptance that lies within you. By whose grace you have learned to accept the restrictions this society puts upon you? As previously said society spares no one. An incident in Ramayana where the doubts overshadowed the innocence of goddess Sita, proves the statement. Many played on this stage but very few were able to escape the matrix! Those we think to be great or good are just merely portraying what the general public taught them to be great.

Now, you might be wondering how does the community impact us? What does it mean to live under societal expectations?

To kill your curiosity, I will answer this right now. A man once purchased a dozen mangoes. As soon as he arrived home, he opened the box and placed a spoiled mango inside. When the package was opened after a few days, he discovered that all the mangoes had deteriorated. The man reasoned that if one ruined mango can spoil all others, then this should work the other way around. So he kept a ripened mango in the box of ruined mangoes, and the outcome was exactly the opposite of what he expected. This analogy illuminates the first question – society's impact. Negativity, akin to the spoiled mango, spreads swiftly, contaminating all in its path. Step two ensues as societal forces shape newborns, stifling nascent potential before uttered words define them. Society's insidious influence extends beyond mere contamination; it metamorphosizes, shaping individuals into reflections of collective desires. The darkness is not solely external – it resides within, always dancing gracefully with what you call as "insecurities".

To live under the influence of these expectations is just like a hen in a poultry. For that creature is living in constant fear in a place where his death lurks every now and then. We all have a mask of fear which we try to hide for ever and ever. The fear of rejection, the fear of not being accepted, the fear of going against the ghost (i.e. Society). As Shwetabh Gangwar stated, "If people were products, then what we see around us are really shitty ones."

In a world obsessed with pretences, this act of concealing one's true self is nothing short of taking poison. A deception reality that stabs the authenticity of every individual in a shroud of falsehoods, weaving a web of deceit that corrodes the very essence of genuine connection with their true self. Such duplicity festers a wound on the soul, a relentless erosion of personal integrity that leaves a void of a lifetime. When we choose to veil our true selves in darkness, we are essentially betraying our own identity, surrendering authenticity at the altar of societal expectations and superficial acceptance.

In this murky realm of pretence, genuine relationships wither like neglected flowers. Friendships become nothing more than alliances of convenience and selfishness. In a world of deceit, 'Trust' is a rare commodity. The constant juggling of personas, the effort to maintain a so called reputation, consumes the individual from within. It's a self-imposed prison where vulnerability is deemed a weakness. Somewhere, deep inside you, in an unknown corner, lingers the shadows of your identity. The need to break the facade between ourselves and the thousand personas of pretence is at its peak.


You read that right! A long time ago, it was you who buried your identity and chose the rat race. It's time to dig all the layers of mud that lie above your coffin. The hen should escape the poultry. The lotus should grow and shine in elegance. Try to give it a deep thought and you will find yourself to be the ripened mango in the box of spoiled ones. The people around you constantly try and will keep trying to deteriorate you. This is humanity's concern to unleash the potential of their mind and practice their detective skills.

The path ahead is full of thorns, criticism, pressure, and humiliation. Only if you dare to walk down that path the darkness will be conquered and a new person will born.
The actors on the stage who are restricted from following the script will begin acting freely on their own. The concealed one when unleashed will fly with its magnificent wings.

Congratulations once again you have again fallen in my trap. This has been going on for centuries or to be more precise from the beginning of civilization. A person who tells the sweet lie is regarded to be greater than a person who says the bitter truth. This has been happening for years and will keep happening as long as the human race exists. Humans consider a person with hope and sweetness in his word to be great. Such a person in today's age gets regarded as the highest civilian even if he's lying that doesn't matter cause people will always regard him to be true and all this is the magic of " The false Face of sweet poison " This is no doubt the most deceitful of all faces. The person who masters the art of this face will require a thousand years to find his true face. This seemingly good mask is difficult to take off. Just as the roots of the tree strengthen this mask strengthens its grip on your existence and soon becomes an irreplaceable part of you

What you read earlier was a glimpse of the same face. This face baffles the person before you. Have you ever came across a person who acts unreasonably nice? Well, then you have witnessed this face. The main purpose of this mask is to extract every possible thing from you. This mask is used to fulfil self-desires.
The next time you come across such a person defeat them with a blank face, pose as dumb and that's the way to get smart.

© RV Patil