

Ant time could be your time.
Don't let yesterday's or today's problems, negative thoughts or feelings follow you into tomorrow. Every sunrise that we're lucky enough to experience, every day we get to wake up is so indefinabley and profoundly special (more often than not taken for granted, or viewed as a chore or nuisance) "100% guilty of this myself a time or two, or for years" but it truly is so special, it's more than a gift, its an amazing opportunity full of endless possibilities. The next time the sun rises and you open your eyes to a new day just may be your opportunity to right wrongs (regardless of how small or big, making things right leaves you with a feeling of warmth in your heart and peace in your mind) or change something about yourself, something you know in your bones your faltering or lacking, maybe mend a connection with a family member or friend you've been hesitant about reconnecting with, or give someone your forgiveness (even if you never speak to that person again, the forgiveness is for you not them) "Unless they did something really fucked up n need a bat to the kneecaps, in which case we'll ride out on that bitch" lol.. but if your able to forgive do it, it's 100% easier and healthier to live your remaining days with as little resentment, hatred, jealously, or ill will in your being as humanly possible. I hope with all I am that its not the case, but what if tomorrow was your last tomorrow? You should absolutely plan to have a future, but any sunrise could very well be your last. If I've learned nothing else these past few years, I've learned that no matter who or where you are, good bad and in between, no matter how healthy or unhealthy you live your life, any one of us may be seeing our last sunrise any day and that's what makes each one so unimaginably special to me. So let the ones you love know you love them, right the wrongs you can and live your life every day and do so with kindness and love in your heart and all you do. I love you and I hope you have an amazing day, and lots n lots more to come.