

Singles' Ministry---Day 2
“How did he get in God? I worked hard to keep my defenses up after the last time I got hurt. I promised myself I would not put myself in a position to be hurt again. I said I wouldn’t fall head over heels and yet here I am. Lord, I wasn’t even paying attention to his flirting until…”

Rob had been to almost every family event since Nadira’s passing. At 6’5, the gentle giant always made his presence known no matter how hard he tried to stay out of the way. It was easy to spot Rob standing in the back of every picture taken at the Taylor’s social events.
Nadia made it a point to host as many functions as she could since moving back to Jersey. Nadira had always confided in her sister that she wished their family was closer. Nadia used the regular rituals as a way to pay homage to her little sister.
Rob had checked in on Nadia here and there since the accident. He sent her friend requests on all of her social media platforms. He even managed to exchange cell numbers with her. Nadia still didn’t know how the smooth-talking young man got her digits so casually. He was good. Nadia had heard stories about Rob from Nadira.
Though quiet, Rob had a reputation of being somewhat of a partying playboy. He and Nadira had met at a mixer in college. Rob was trying to talk to Nadira’s roommate, but she wasn’t interested. Rob tried to soften the roommate up by making nice with Nadira, but that didn’t work either. He eventually gave up the pursuit of the young undergrad and focused his attention on Nadira. He knew it was in poor taste to come on to her, but he was enjoying their conversation. Nadira made it clear that she was not interested in anything beyond a platonic connection so Rob respected her wishes. They had been the best of friends for eight years before the twenty-seven-year-old Nadira Taylor tragically had her life cut short.

The only thing Rob had left was memories of his friend and the honorary acceptance into the Taylor family. Rob took his title seriously. He had made a vow to be there for the Taylor’s as long as he had breath in his body. He knew he could never fill the void left by Nadira, but he was going to do everything in his power to ease her family’s burden. Rob hadn’t told anyone, but he long held onto guilt over Nadira’s death. He felt responsible, if Nadira didn’t stop to pick him up, she’d still be alive.
When left alone to his thoughts he realized he could have saved Dira the trip, picked everything up from the store, and brought it when he came to help cook. She would’ve been home…safe…instead he was texting Nadia asking her if it was okay for him to stop by on Thanksgiving.
Nadia stared at her phone. Why was he asking if he could come over? Rob knew he was always welcome over her house and her parents’ house. She had told him that on Nadira’s birthday, the first one since her passing. He and Mrs. Taylor went to the cemetery with balloons and flowers. Nadia knew she could not handle going to the cemetery. It was the same reason she refused to go to the cemetery the day of the funeral. There was absolutely no way that she was going to leave her little sister, her best friend, in the cemetery by herself. Nadia knew if she went to visit her sister she would never want to leave. She instead chose to dedicate a special place in her new house to keep Nadira’s memory alive. Nadia hung a few pictures of her and Nadira from the time they were children to adulthood. Though they were born in separate years, the girls were Irish twins: Nadia was born in May and Nadira came along just ten months later in March. They were inseparable their whole lives. Everyone always addressed them together, “Hey Nadia and Nadira.” It was rare for one to be without the other which would prompt family and friends to pose the question “Hey Dia, where’s Dira?” or “Is your sister coming?” or the like.
Nadia sighed as she responded to Rob’s text. Rob, you’re always welcome.
Are your parents over there? Rob responded.
Nadia smiled. Yeah, they’re here. Dad is watching TV in the living room and Mom is washing dishes even though I told her I’d do it.
LMAO! You know Ms. Jackie is going to do what she wants. She don’t listen.
Nadia wasn’t a fan of Rob’s implied language, but she had to laugh at his assessment of her mother. Jackie Taylor did not take directions from anyone and she made sure everyone around her knew it.
The duo continued trading messages until Rob announced that he was about to hit the road and would see Nadia and her parents in twenty minutes.

An hour later Rob stood outside waiting for Nadia to open the front door.

Nadia put the box of aluminum foil back on the dining room table when she heard the doorbell ringing. She casually jogged to the front door. She noticed Rob’s head was lowered. Was he praying? Nadia waited a second before opening the door.
Nadia blocked the entrance to the door. She stared at him with her eyebrows arched. “Twenty minutes, huh?”
Rob smirked and shrugged his shoulders like an innocent school boy, “I mean, it did take me twenty minutes to get here.”
Nadia shook her head and smiled. “Umm…you said that an hour ago. I started breaking stuff down and wrapping up the food.”
Rob’s smirk transformed into a full smile. “That’s okay. I know how to unwrap it and cover it back up.”
Nadia, still smiling, shook her head again. “Terrible.”
Rob grinned. “C’mon Na-Dee. Let me be great.”
Nadia rolled her eyes. No one called her ‘Na-Dee’ but him. She didn’t even know what prompted him to create the new nickname but she let it slide.
“Can I come in?” Rob asked
Come back tomorrow to see how Rob and Nadia’s story continues…