

Her Body.
Zany's eyes dimmed with displeasure at the statement he uttered before he walked out from her sight.
"Ugly…short…dark skinned…thin…bony…" The words replayed in her memory. If her own brother told her she was ugly, what then did outsiders say about her.

"No front…no back?"

"Monstrous? Unpleasing? Disgusting? Horrible? "

She did not want to imagine the insults, the disgust people may feel at her sight. What was she to do? Did she create herself to be short, to be thin? Tears clouded her eyes as she made her way into her bedroom which was directly opposite her brother's room.

She took her pen and scribbled down some letters as tears flowed endlessly from her eyes. Taking the tear stained paper, she dragged her body out of her room, pasted the paper on her brother's door and walked out of the house.

A few hours later,her brother came out of the room and saw the paper sticking at his door. Curiously, he opened the paper.

"I'm damaged, I cannot go on anymore." The words were boldly written. "I find it hard to get by everyday and you are not helping matters. Our parents are dead, I have no solace in this world except you but you've never comforted me for once. Big brother, your words this morning were the last straw… I cannot hang on anymore. I'm tired! I'm depressed! I'm frustrated! I'm losing my sanity. You always ask me why I am so ugly? Well, I'm going on a journey to meet my Creator, I'll ask Him why he refused to create me beautifully. Yet He claims that all creatures were created in His own image and likeness. He said we are all beautifully and wonderfully made. I'm beginning to doubt that! However, I'm determined to meet Him so he can answer our questions. I'm tired! The world blames me for being who I am. I'm frustrated! I'm mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically down. I need to rest, to rest in peace. Good bye big brother, may we not cross paths in the next life, if ever there is any."

His eyes welled up with tears as he ran outside the house.
"Zany! Zany! I'm sorry!" He kept on chanting as he scouted the streets for his sister. He found her body beside the river as many people had gathered around her. His face paled and his body stiffened. He pushed aside the crowd and held onto the dead body of his younger sister.

"Zany! Zany! " He kept on calling but she was gone, gone forever more…

Morale of the story: People are going through a lot and one unfeeling word or statement from you could lead them into depression, or make them commit suicide. Also, suicide is never an option. I think the world, most especially the youths, must be enlightened about these. Sometimes, caring about people's lackadaisical opinions could endanger your own life. I wrote in one of my poems that "Yeah, I used to tolerate a lot of mediocrities because I did not want to lose people.
But right now, I'm setting boundaries because I do not want to lose myself." I think a lot of people need to hear these.

Haiza. 🖤✍️

© Haiza.