

The Hello Man Chapter 15
After The Hello Man vanished into the sky there was no sightings of him untill the 14th of August 2083. When a group known as the Disciples of Ram gathered together at exactly midnight in the middle of the Tongass National Forest in Alaska to do a ancient summoning ritual to summon a demon from the Underworld known as Malthus. After they barely started the ritual they started to get sightings of something inhuman, something Demonic. Then they started noticing that they were disappearing one by one. One of them who appears to be a psychic, got visions of a demon who was possessed in a mortal body, wearing a brown suit, with black pants, a red tie, with demon wings, with red eyes and with a mouth what looked worked closed with a black string. All the sudden the man who saw these visions heard a whisper behind him say, “Hello”. The man looked behind him and saw The Hello Man standing there. The next thing he knew before he fell dead to the ground was that his neck was turned 90 decrease in the hands of The Hello Man. A mechete appeared in The Hello Man's right hand and he used it to slaughter the Disciples of Ram with it, by slicing their throats, cutting of their heads clean off and to stab them in their chests multiple times. The Ritual of Malthus was incomplete and blood was spilled every. Dead bodies was all around. The Hello Man just walked deeper in the forest while disappearing into the darkness leaving the evidence behind. The next morning the police was all over the forest and the forest was declared a no entry zone for the time being. Later that night when the police was still investigating, they all noticed paranormal activities happening, like a car who's lights came on by it self, a tree that fell to the ground by it self and more. The police later decided to go home for the night. When the cars was all moving on the road, a strong Demonic wave of wind came flying into the sky and went in front of the cars, causing the cars to crash. The cars stood still on the road. The policemen tried to get out, but the doors' didn't want to open. All the sudden in front of them a large tree fell down, blocking the road. The tree later turned on fire by it self. The police later noticed a person with a axe was standing in the fire. It seemed like that person was fire immune and had some kind of ancient demon wings. Just when lightning struck the man in the fire disappeared. In the police car at the very back was a whispering voice who whispered, “Hello”. The woman in the car looked next to her, because that's where the whisper came from, but the seat was empty. Then she heard it again, “Hello”. This time she looked behind her at the back seats and saw The Hello Man with a burned suit with steam coming out of it. The Hello Man also had glowing dark red eyes. Just when she wanted scream in terror The Hello Man took hold of her head and crushed it as if it was an egg shell. The Hello Man's eyes began glowing as red as ever and when he vanished into the darkness the car he was in exploded. The rest of the police force started to panic, because when that fire of the explotion spreads near enough it can lead their cars to explode as well. Then out of nowhere the woman who supposedly blew up in the car fell out off the sky on fire and landed on one of the other car's front window, causing it break. A full minute later that car blew up as well. The remaining policemen was all the sudden able to get open their doors. So got out and stood in front of the fire. They all noticed the man with the axe of earlier walking in fire towards them. They started to panic and tried to get away, but they were surrounded with hot blazing fire. The next thing they noticed was that the man with the axe disappear. They all looked around, but they couldn't see him anywhere. Later they feel weak, because they were breathing in smoke. Out of nowhere a whispering voice whispered, “Hello” to one of the policemen. The man just looked behind him, but saw nothing. When he looked in front of him he saw The Hello Man with a axe in his hands. The last thing he felt before he died was that his head was chopped clean off with the axe. The rest of the policemen noticed The Hello Man and pulled out their guns and started to shoot at him. They could see blood coming out of The Hello Man, but it doesn't seem that he is falling dead to floor, instead he walked forward with his axe ready to kill again. Ater a while there was only 3 police men left. The Hello Man went after one, while the other two ran away. A wind of fire came flying out of the sky and hit one of the two who was running away. The man who The Hello Man was after with got the axe in his forehead with his body on the ground. The Hello Man all the sudden vanished with the fire into darkness, leaving only the dead bodies and the one surviver, but the surviver noticed on a tree that there was words cut out what spelled, “The Hello Man has Returned”.

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