

There is love at first sight
My friend saw a person and said I fell in Love with him that he is my everything and want him any how and then in my life. Then I asked her is it called "Love at first sight" because we both haven't watched him. Its the first time we watched.You don't know about that person how can you say that I want that person in my life. She hasn't replied me as she was bussy in thinking about him then she asked what you said?.I repeated once again. Then she replied me that you will not understand what I felt at that moment and Iam in Love with him and want him . I too think it is love at first sight and he is perfect for me. So for this I need your help at that moment she said as I want to go for a date with him. I said you became crack.Then she respond me now let see which class he is going and who all his friends how can we contact him. I said I think he has a girlfriend and my friend looked at me in angry mood. I said okey chill he is born for you.. Then she smiled.
Then we got to know that he is our senoir we don't know about him from long . We got a detail that once in a blue moon he come to class. Then we were collecting more detail about him then we got to know that he is having a two girlfriend already from BCOM one and one from BMM.
They my friend who cried for a week then we said it's good that he has gone and not made you third girlfriend and cheat on you too. Leave it.
Then a few days gone then my friend who got recovered then we are going to the college and everything is normal. Then one boy was staring at my friend I said that he is looking at you from so long iam watching then as repeated this think everyday as she always say me keep quite . Then the day passed then that boy was talking to me related to notes he needed.I have given notebook to him in that one letter came that he has written that he is love with my friend from the starting day. I said he is too old following the olden day he should have send this letter through pegion better.🤣 After that while we were comming out of the college he stoped us.Then he asked me to leave for sometime then they talked. As daily it happen they used to talk. As the thinks gone and my friend also felt in love with him. She say when he look at me I forgot everything at that moment as he too fell same for me. At last got a conclusion that this is Love at the first sight.

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