

Arish !! where are you ? I have been finding you everywhere and here you are sitting at the stairs? what's your problem pal ?
the guy with beard and brown eyes wearing jeans and shirt were asking arish
Burhan would you please stop asking me soo many questions arish was wearing night dress but he was clean shave and had light brown eyes ..
what happened bro ? why are being so weird ? said Arish while sitting
nothing and then burhan put his head on his knees
okay fine ...forget everything I have an awesome plan ..All the lads are gathering up for a huge party and there we will have lots of fun ....come on now we should go but before that Change your dress? I don't want to take a beggar along with me said Arish
first of all your sense of humour sucks and second of all I am not going anywhere and that's final ...said burhan
hahaha ...as if I am gonna leave after listening to that you know man I will take you to party even if for that purpose I have to kidnap you ... said Arish
get lost please I need peace and no one finds peace in the parties where all the successful people are there to celebrate Thier Victories and the person who have not a lucrative job or still trying to achieve his dreams feel low..
you go .. please said burhan
oh that's the case so your dreams your job is bothering you. ..I see...I see said Arish
it bothers everyone what's new ? said burhan
hmm..look burhan it's okay for everyone to be worried about Thier jobs and dreams but don't let it reach your nerves..not everyone will reach Thier peak point at the same point at the same age ...Maybe Your Creator is planning something really big for you and you are worried that you can't face your friends ...I am sure you are going to do something really great but till then enjoy the process..don't loose your mind in that ...
said. Arish.
I hate to admit but you convinced me somehow ..said burhan
I know I know I can be the world's best motivational speaker ..said Arish with million dollar smile on his face..
hahaha. should I laugh or should. help you search a good psychologist for you ..said burhan relieving smile on his face
and. someone. was saying my sense of humour sucks said Arish while getting up from the stairs ..
so Pal are you ready to hit the party
Damn ready. ....said burhan