

Time indeed flies
I had once seen a show in which, the main character is autistic and how he remembers things from objects and smell like, he was taking a trip with his friend through a pine forest and she asks him whether he would remember this day in future. He replied to her that, he would always remember her and the pine trees and its aroma would always take him back to that day.And i felt that.

Today i was listening to the radio in the car, and they were talking about the hindi movie Rock on. It was a flash and i was sitting on the sofa with my brother watching the late night matinee Rock on in dd channel.I would be in 2nd or 3rd grade and knew nothing more than alphabets in hindi. We watch the movie together and he would explain the plot so far, during the intervals. He would talk about facts of the movie and sing to the songs...now thinking back,those times were surreal.We would talk during the ads and even if i was super sleepy he would ask to sit with him till end and i would stay watching, half sleepy.

I thought of all these and smiled under my mask.It is true that the little things that you have in your life are the greatest gifts of all and the emotional attachment that human possesses to these and the memories stored are the fuel to our soul.
© prana