

Guilty By Association

Imagine four students in a circle outside in the back of their school..Each one of the students has a glass of ice water. Each person takes a sip of the glass of water at their own pace. If another person was to come amongest them..started to walk towards them and got close in distance and saw the four kids in a circle….What would this new person think of them?…Would the stranger automatically assume that they were the same…Would the stranger think that they know each other because they are in the circle together and each of them holds of a glass of water?….If they aren’t the same what makes them different?….Would it be their personality and mindset?…How would you find out what makes them different?…Would it be by verbal communication with one or each of them…How would the stranger start the conversation to find out…

It would be easy for an outsider..this stranger to conclude that they must know each other and are awaiting the same thing or going through the same situation.. because they’re all conjoined in a circle or grouping.. So they must be together…

The ignorant would come to whatever conclusion that they see fit.. Whatever the quickest reason so that they can hurry up and tell themselves their right and quickly dismiss with their own thoughts. Wrong in their conclusion but quick in deciding…For Example, One homeless man under a bridge his story may very well differ from the next homeless man on the street corners story he lost his job.But a random typical person would assume these two guys are both heavily on drugs and aren’t working because they don’t want to…Two individuals same homeless signage but two different reasons and different history.. how do you really know?.. Who are we to judge then tell ourselves that we are correct in our thinking?..

I personally know what this is like as well..I have been one if the four with the glass of water that people assumed that we knew each other and our situations ways of thinking matched…so we gotta know each other..we have to be the same…

Just because she’s there doesn’t mean that she is like the rest..

GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION.. because our actions and our behaviors match so we got to be together…we both must be going the same direction because we are sitting next to each and doing the same thing…

I feel as though that no matter where we physically are our Mindsets and Personality is what separates us..Two black males wouldn’t have the same way of thinking just because they are both black or black and the same age even..so that being fact..Would they think the same?..No…It would be each individuals and their own personal Mindset and Personality that would seperate them apart…

Faith can’t be even utilized properly lest your mind and attitude carries an ongoing mindset to do so.

GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION…because our laughs match… However we are indeed each our own person..

I encourage and wish to live in a world where we as people instead of judging and assuming their situation is what they want..To find out what makes them unique and not to toss them in a do away with bucket so quickly..

This is real to me recently overcoming and leaving the household I had no choice to be at other than being on the street..and just because I sat amongest and partook in substances and conversation.. I was thought of being the same and NO I was just waiting on them to finish my apartment so I could move into it…whereas the other 3 people was there because they were comfortable and wanted nothing else but a high and quick come up so that they could get what they wanted some more.. they had no other choice there but to there for years…So just because you saw me in a circle doesn’t mean we all share common goals and morals at all…It means that I’m physically there and THAT IS ALL..It doesn’t mean I’m seeking life advice..we are near each other but our reasons destiny and personality are very different..

My mindset and personality my actions is what differs from me from the lady sitting next to me..Not this circle group I’m in…not these people that you see me physically around..But MY Mindset MY own Personality that defines me

For I am different…and I am GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION