Guilty By Association
Imagine four students in a circle outside in the back of their school..Each one of the students has a glass of ice water. Each person takes a sip of the glass of water at their own pace. If another person was to come amongest them..started to walk towards them and got close in distance and saw the four kids in a circle….What would this new person think of them?…Would the stranger automatically assume that they were the same…Would the stranger think that they know each other because they are in the circle together and each of them holds of a glass of water?….If they aren’t the same what makes them different?….Would it be their personality and mindset?…How would you find out what makes them different?…Would it be by verbal communication with one or each of them…How would the stranger start the conversation to find out…
It would be easy for an outsider..this stranger to conclude that they must know each other and are awaiting the same thing or going through the same situation.. because they’re all conjoined in a circle or...