

Thank You..... .
In a classroom , students were busy planning the event that has to be held tomorrow ,each of them was filled with joy and excitement still there was a girl standing near the window staring at a wooden toy she was holding , suddenly a group of few students scared her out of her thoughts and snatched that toy ,wondering if it's any useful ," huh! Just a useless toy but it's quiet......now it's mine , thankyou for the gift " said one of them...,"no it's mine" pleaded the girl...,"how dare you, don't you forget your place, I said it's mine so it's mine, let's go...." they yelled and left.....she holded herself back as if she was trained for it, just in a moment she wasn't troubled instead calm then she smiled brightly for no reason unexpected to others .
She is Meesha , a 11 years old young girl , studying in 7th grade ,' Samins Public School' at Ludhiana .
She's just a normal girl , gentle and shy , a fair look, quite pretty but not stylish , doesn't talk much ,she barely has a friend let alone a friend circle ,not so good in studies nor any sport and lack of confidence but quite observent in nature that's the only thing that others can't match her . Two years ago she joined the school ,since then she has been a way of fun to bullies but she could only bear it without a word , but today she was wierd....After getting back home she was lost in a deep thaught ,seems to be in a confusion .After bieng in deep thought she wrote some thankyou letters and attached along with few of her new year greetings ,she prepared for the event .
Next day during the celebration of New year , she gave all the letters some of her classmates and said thankyou with a bright smile , her classmates were shocked as if they've seen a strange phenomenon....She turned back to leave but they couldn't accept and eagerly asked why she is thanking them ,because they are sure that they've always annoyed her definitely it wasn't a help .
when Meesha was just to leave ,suddenly one of them said," you're thanking us ,are you out of your mind?"
"No I'm alright ",replied Meesha
"thankyou so much, you all helped me a lot . Just like an honest friend you always told my mistakes , you have been busy dealing with my drowbacks for a long time, always finding my faults making me aware of it. you thought you made me your target infact you taught me and cured me.. unknowingly you have been helping me.... so, I'm truly greafull to you guys, Thankyou ......well can you return my thing , please...."

" oh so all this trouble is for that thing ,now I get it don't think you can trick me"....
" it's not like this it just that we are same, that was just a piece of wood before it it was carved , if it hasn't been through the sufferings of cutting through a knife, it would n have never taken its own shape.....because of you all, I redeemed my faults and avoid my drowbacks .Thankyou so much for taking care of me......."

Those classmates were stunned , they couldn't speak a word....

© saumya