

The Court Pt.7
Jayden runs out of Johns's office to go to his. When Governor Allen walks in.

Jay: Governor, please sit

Governor sits on the cream-colored chair

G.Allen: well, well, your majesty, I see you have decorated your office since the last time we have met

Jay: yes. May I please know why you are here?

G.Allen: Rose.

Jay: pardon sir?

G.Allen: Rose needs to be punished

Jay: punished? She is pregnant. We can not ...

G.Allen: Yes. I am aware of the law, your majesty. I am talking about when the kid is born.

Jay: ok umm.

G.Allen: when the kid is born, your choices are A. Kill B. Send Away C. Kill


G.Allen: It's that or kill Rose

Jay: KILL ROSE !?!??! excuse me

G.Allen: Or would you instead step down after your heir is born

Jayden is silent

G.Allen: So I guess you have a lot to consider

The Governor walks out of the office. Ally comes in the door,

Partner: Your majesty? Your interview is in an hour

Jay: thank you, Ally

20 minutes later

Holly: So kill an innocent baby, kill rose, send the baby away, or step down from the throne?

Jay: yup

Kai: bye bye little Jay

Jay: KAI! what the fuck, dude

Kai: ok, hear me out. If we keep the baby alive, people will consider her a bastard or something and will never leave their home.

John: Yeah, but the baby didn't do shit, I say Kill Rose

Jay: now she might be a whore, but we don't need to kill her

John: umm Jayden, she cheated on you fifteen times, and she doesn't deserve to die

Jules: Also, after all of this interview shit, who will marry Jay. When they know, he is gay

Kai: ok, you have a point

Holly: As much as I want to see Rose's head being cut off or rotting in prison, I would say step down.

Jay, kai, and John: STEP DOWN!

Holly: yes! it has only been ten months, and shit has gone downhill

Kai: we didn't go into war this year, and we have patched up a war that has lasted for over a hundred years

Jules: and don't forget the brand new education system

John: Health Care system

Jules: yes, as much I agree with Kai and Dad. i will have to go with plan five

Jay: Plan five?

Jules: Do what the fuck you want to do! You are the King of Ellven

Jay: Your right, but the Governor can make me step down, with a rule of insanity

Ally walks in

Jay: Interview time?

Ally nods

John: wait, what are you going to say to the reporter

Jay: the truth

The Truth
Reporter: Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Kingdom Tea. Today I have King Jayden. Thank you for coming
KJ: Thank you for having me
Reporter; Now, this is how it goes. I will read out a Question of a social platform from the kingdom, and you answer, and if you dont want to answer, say NA.
KJ: ok.
Reporter: First question. When did you and King Bryan start dating?
KJ: December 14
reporter; of last year. Wow, the second question, if a person cheats on you, should you cheat on them to make it even?
KJ: no
Reporter: The third question is, Is It true that you were diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when you were a kid? Are you stable?
king: NA
Reporter: The fourth question, Is it valid that Rose and you discussed that Josh would be the father since you are azoospermia
Jayden looks confused and looks toward is his dad for help. John looks at him like he is stupid, while holly giggles at him.
KJ: May you please elaborate
Reporter: yes, are your sterility?
KJ: ??? what ???
Reporter: Infertility?
Jay still looks lost.
Jay: Oohhhhhhhh yes wait, no wait
Everyone is laughing
Jay: yes, I can produce children even though that none of your business
Reporter: two more questions, Faith question: Are you gay or Bi
KJ: ugh, NA
The reporter looks at the director. The director nods for the next question
Reporter: Finally, question, Are you in an open relationship with Rose?

© Jordan