

the stormy genesis told in rage
Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run...
against the tide, wind in my face
trolled by humanity's emotional push of insecurity and it's helpless funeral of death's own hearse.
The lower clouds of Oblivion hang like a shroud with their cover hiding the dawning Genesis
much like the moods of pulsing hormones
Bellowing like a thunder rampart from a Siren.

The multi levels like a multiverse sing loudly!
Inclement weather, stars struck
in the folds of deepest velvet
Pummelling like labor pains
in the expected timely plum.
Collapsing malaise into patterns
Still indecipherable.

More emotional swallowing
Quick succession; it barely holds on to it.
Heavier still, humid rolls that,
strongly argue.With my hairs in
textured curls; a frizz, frazzled.
And nothing in this world could have stopped it.

Born it was to chaos and those insulent
Infinities set within a deeper barotonal.
Winds whipped submissively with such gales.

A flighty Empath struggles, calmer, like a storm.

Every sense and senseless heart beat torn
Beating brows of salty sweat
the beads pause; Time stands alone
and then effortlessly but with a slower,
kingly urge, pompous, proudly it bows.

Humbled by creations birth, so full of life
But how?
One wonders in lost faith uncounted,
Will the final sum of life be painted thus alone?

The moment felt in thrills of unsung musings,
Words will fail, like time still standing, always.
It forever longs for satisfactory artistry;
A painting: spread above thus in the heavens!

Such earthly things trivial and low
Will never be found emptied there.
It's far greater than prior census counted up.
Emotional too, yet not too heavy
for their softened lips cracked sight
While busy making up the attention
Like children spoilt, licking ice cream on cones.

The lighter clouds of mist and hope
Have left the beholder with mournful longing.
The muffled deeps and shrill shreaikings
Of children playing, delighted, they act.

Not on they're own accord,
for the sky's beauty Is never found shorter
it's aged in constellations.
Gleeming, the shine! The sparkle!
So easily you could have missed.

Easily, if not barely trying, that fear and hunger;
Drives the last nails in, whispered upon death "I'm sorry!"
Hope is peaceful in it's flight lost.
The birds are alive.
Like ships sailing in must treacherous seas.

The tidal oceans engraving,
Sandy, upon a coffin.
That sorrow! That lost!
It's ts form is more nothing less even
Then your heavy, darkened void.

Mysterious death is asleep tonight.
A criminal, Accused and charged
shortsighted by this heroic in deeds
feeling far to short a fall.
For life's being was now and then enlightened

Yet only The waif, weak of sick power
Illness defies it's hopeful desire.
stormy deluge out of whom was once cruelty lied by It's softness deceit whimpered
Staining blood on hands of hardened work
Lives blurred by lines crushed
Once, here, now all this laid bare
Do you doubt such truth was ever weak?
Or every lonely?
unfounded innocently, the opposite
held it's strength, hot by its own haughtiness.

Mightier now is the few, though found escaping. Mighty tall, and fully broad,
Yet still airy and light by way chilled.
breeze, whisk, Willow bent bought now but then:
Past the pain, then.
Drop all heaviness in awkwardness
Mistaken in its lost baggage.
Placated. Stated, "Leave it there."

Why and how or who, would choose
to still carry on, to swing. Blind, March on
The kath beaten down, narrow, poorly marked
No signs ever stood where we now stand.
Not even an ounce ever even Once,
Was pounded pavement like self published truth too proud to feel the hurt.
Fallen it still remains.

Empty, placed carefully in it's place of loss.
Hurtful zealout! Maybe the sun light shining up,
But still it shines despite this of giving up,
Ending by the rays of it dancing lights,
Raising no upheaval.
remaining calm despite it's emprisoned chain.

Imprisoned by forgotten memories
This author is tired, lays weary down.
It's head is hung nestled upon a cloud of fluff oh, such dreamy softness!
Such luxury will always choose to be!
the one remaining, solitary lust,
a glimpse of hope leaks through
the dusted off but loudly clang by its rusty lock.

In a sky that's vast, emptied, of all but peace.
Pain, is still felt like twings of guilt,
words of A tale and song legally heard
But never before sung
Incased in a dreamers nightly visions
blinding and still alone.

We are and you are too,
What? but at least we know we are!
What?!? Impatient the universe asks again.
That we will never be left alone to fly
Emotional beings pared off
like in the days of Noah.
Two by two we march together
Forever, the faithful and the unknown
We match in twos or we march like drones
That crash landing all over again
and over it all, runs liked a movies big screen
Premiering first and lastly lightening
Rings, runs, traces of life's face
Not only then but also whenever now and again.

Solo though we fly in storms intense
Cut off, we lost our homing sense
Times, by the time, we come out our calls
but the winds carry us onward, more!
Further between pointless returns
home sick the patterns run busy in it's
Rush hour lanes, trafficked nightly cloudy
Less pressurized matches, fluid, fanned
Figurative linguist the painted canvas
Afraid of it's own stardum dusted the flying orbs in clouds waving oceanic sways
The empty vastness dances upon the start
Left alone mistakenly it is Far from being beholden,golden dust of whispy expanse,
Rushed to the blushing of an only lit, the sky.

The one, the only, it lives
It Breaths, such light a fresh spring!
never abounding or pulses except in beat
Harmonious simplicity in it's deep unexpected. Arrival, unmatched.
Unmarked! Unmistakable!
just like the sun too, they know lunar eclipses
That life's truth holds, a hole, incomplete. purposed for such
As those captured here, painted vibrantly
In sun rising casts, mere reflections
Of the tiniest microcosm nothing in life
Was born to only become nothing once more.

It returns again with reassurant strength
Witnessed testifying that nothing
Born to live, dies without finishing.

What it first purposed mindfully to do,
mindful but wise Calm in the storm,
insecurities gone in a flash
The sun peaks above the horizon
Waiting it's turn patient and kind.

Never is fondling unfound glimmering light,
Untamed dimmed from it's first love
Our first joy, peace, or love reborn
And then we are made to think it's not worth it.

Sheesh, sheep. A students hell or
Sailors nautical vision artery in tale
Reading human hearts bled out from our
Weakened envy written by hand
Lost Forever in stormy shelled homes.

More than every painful scar, a healing.
Trapped deep In the hearts of those
Selfishly prone to prideful envy fueling
The filling feeler of hated flames fate.
On a fire of lost sense of self
Death to be critiqued alive but in hypotheticals.

Because who?
Who would look forward?
With the greatest of all expectations?
For something so slight, it didn't believe
In itself, insecure, We are.
We need. We should be .
What was here but now are gone
Fluid, forever, forced fed, escaped
The sky knows it is never found lackng
Proud raining down, like acid,
the taste is all we don't like,
We are humanly rejected in our response
disgusted, we spit in the wind
We are found. We were once lost upon the sea.
Now, they see us, we are Found.
But only if after all is done
as the ones forever sailing
The horizontal sunrise ride off
With who you thought we were
You are, not I still lost and wandering
Who would still want to be.......unwanted.

The lower clouds of your Oblivion
hung like a shroud with their funeral coffin
it's just a cover, hiding the dawning.
Your Genesis. Life reborn.
much like the moods of pulsing hormones
Bellowing like a thunder rampart
From a Siren bursting from firey flames
A woman's breaking deceived by
Hormone ran body systems.
They are betrayed. Not just once.
Twice. By their lovers faithlessness
Secondly, they're body's breaking
Halved stolen, leaving them alone
Not safe or forewarned, a scar
As it's born by the tempests coming
A heartless body dropped
for being so ravaged savagely wild, torn.
© Gwen Canfield The Finishers Touch Poetry