

No more death please ...
One day as I walked away the empty streets of London I heared I heared crying voices from behind.it.was morning that time I walked towards the corner from where the crying voice came. Yet not a clear scene but I cannot help to stop there and manage to fit myself amongst the distance crowds and looked at the woman sitting under a broken lampshade. From her attire it can be understood that she belongs to a good family but if she is that kind of person why she is here on the road under the shade with a sleeping girl lying in her lap. I was startled by the scene and cannot again stop myself to ask the man investigating the whole situation.

Hey I 'm Caleb the author and you're..?

I am Josh the journalist of London times.

Oh nice to meet you.

Me too…

So who is that lady I asked ?

The lady belongs to royal family and is the wife of our president and the girl lying in her lap is her daughter Hannah. OH! I see but why is she sleeping over there. She not sleeping my fine friend. She is dead.

I was like in a short term trauma after discovering the real matter of the scene. I can't understand how and what to react. The girl Hannah lying on her mother's lap looks so lively with blonde ponytails that anyone will hardly believe she is dead. But one thing for sure I felled in love with that dead girl and how did it happened I don't know so never ask me about that. Her husband came and took them out of the crowd towards his car. The next day I opened the newspaper only to find the reason behind her death and I was really surprised to know that the girl was affected from corona virus and she died from a heart collapse. I literally can't confront myself for a second but why I don't know. Only because I am genuine human being or I was in love with that dead girl. Off in the distance I saw an orange, red and yellow glow light flickering oh no I have put the water to boil for my tea and I forgot. I quickly switched off the gas knob and opened the window. I saw an ambulance standing nearby gate of my neighbour. I hurriedly jumped from the window and ran towards it. It was uncle Harry whom I have seen sometime back plucking flowers from my garden for aunt lily. And now he lying unconscious inside the van. I asked aunt lily what has happened to him. She said that few days back he had gone to meet his old friend who has returned from London after a prolonged vacation and after that he one midnight he began to cough with sneeze. And the next morning the sneezing turned into fever and the latter increase the breathing problems. I called the doctor and he advise to get him admitted because he suspects that Harry has been affected by corona virus .I got scared after learning off the news .Again another victim of the virus .I don't know how many lives will it take and if uncle Harry will survive till the treatment. I only just pray to god that the whole world get strength to combat the infectious deadly virus or please stop the spreading of the deadly virus so that no more lives will be at risk of getting destroyed. I hope for no more deaths anymore in the whole world.

Cover Picture by Pinterest
© Architakumar96