

Diamond was at school,school was finna be out in a couple of minutes so Diamond's mom asked Diamond if she wanted her to pick her up Diamond response was no im fine im going to walk home because I need to clean my mind ok says Mom.Since Diamond school is 5minutes away from her house she decided it was going to be a good walk,Diamond is walking on the side walk as she see this big white van but it didn't bother here until they started following her so she ran then they jumped out and she slowly fell to the ground,dragging he body into the back of the van all the way from the sidewalk. Diamond didn't wake up till 2hours later she was in this room with one bucket and a bed she was handcuffed too ahe cried for aleast 2 whole minutes not know what to do,ahe reached into her back pocket and grabbed her phone but it was really hard because she was handcuffed she called her mom and said sorry I've should have listed her mom was nothing but confused then she told her mom everything. Diamond Mom is panicking she quickly ask where are you? a abandon church I think im not for sure Diamond phone hangs up......Hello? mom? noooooo
to be continued
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