

Not a mistake a big problem part -2 A big challenge
Plz first read part 1 or else you won't understand

scientists-daniel, pedro, Brent
New scientist- Charlotte
head- Mr Addison
( New character I will mention in story)

(In first part we saw brent, pedro and Daniel tell Charlotte to do experimentby himself And something wrong happens

(brent part of view)
I never thought that giving responsibility to Charlotte would be a big mistake he has done something wrong, and result is infront of us
he has did some thing in DNA and made this dangerous creature he seems to be vey dangerous The creature looks very dangerous)
pedro - Daniel pick up knife!

( Daniel picks the knife and
cut the hand of creature)

brent- 😨😨😨😨
(Pedro's point of view)
when Daniel cut the hand of the creature I never thought that his hand would grew again in 2 seconds and the hand which was cut down from that A new creature arise it was carbon copy of first creature

Charlotte- now what to do!
Daniel-we can't even cut him

( creature roars loud and move toward brent)

brent - eeeeeevery onne runnnnnn

( everyone start running out of lab the creature comes out of lab and start breaking houses with foot, people cut his head and head grew again and the head which people cut down a new creature arise from it, he started eating people

Author talks
now what they can't cut even creature? how they would win the fight ? what do you think would story would be sad or happy?

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