

The Story Of The Fallen Queen
Mama can you tell me the story of the fallen queen, said the 5 year old all snugged in her bed. I look at her with a shocked expression not knowing that she new this story. I ask her how she new this story and she repiled with grandma told me. She was always close with her grandmother, staying with her while I worked in the tavern. The only thing is her grandmother died 2 years ago so that fact is she still remebers is quite scary. Mommy she says in a worried tone, my expression changed to a smile as I walked over to her bedside grabbing the stool and taking a seat. There was once a ruler stronger then any other in the history of Gahenna, what made then different from any other ruler was that they were a woman. She was a ruler that was not repected by other nations, they had never seen a female ruler and were scared. They refused to make peace treatys and instead raised war. She was a aposed to violence but was fully captable of it, she lead her people into battle her fearless smile out shinning any other. It was said that she was killed in battle defending her kindom, but that was just a rummor. While other kindoms thought she was dead they retreated back to their homes, leaving the people of Gahenna to fend for thenselves. But the people of Gahenna new better they new what the queen had done to stop the war that slattered her people. She gave up her throne to her brother the current leader of Gahenna, even though she was older and had trained for days on end so she could rule she gave it up for the sake of her people. It is said that the queen now lives amoung her people has a peasent serving the lord and following order, but one day she will return and take back what was rightfully hers. I stood up and kissed my daughter forhead tell her that it was time for bed, as I was walking out of her room when she spoke up. I'v never heard that last part, did you say it right she said with a confused look. I look at her and say that she hasn't heard the full story, I turn off her light and walk out of the door. Has I make my way to my room I wisper to myself "I will come back, and claim whats lost. You haven't seen the last of your queen.". THE END
© Julia storymaker