

The Blue Prints 2
It was about 4 am, Randall was sleeping and he experienced his first weird dream. The dream was strange because Randall could feel it that his actual body was somewhere else. In the first place Randall thought he had just died.
In his dream, Randall was sleeping and then he suddenly woke up, got off the bed and he felt so weird. he was a bit weak and he was failing to fully open his eyes and his vision was unclear. Randall started walking, while straggling to balance his steps, he managed to get out of his room, moved along the hallway, straight to the door that opens to the outside, and when Randall opened the door, he saw much light than in the house that he failed to handle it, his body panicked, he felt scared and then he woke up.

The Blue Prints 3: Randall stops seeing more light and manages to go outside.
© Dr. Tranqeelor