

Screams Of Silence Part 1
Charlotte and Bailey, though completely different in personality in every possible way the two seem to go together very We'll, Charlotte the more popular one throughout high school, having no problem fitting into a crowd and making friend's, having a happy and cheerful kinda personality.

Then there's Bailey, the more self isolated girl not really enjoying crowd's or anyone really, in fact she would often complain about every little thing, seeming to just have a cold aspect upon the world, however when they both finished school Charlotte suggested they be roommate's to make paying for thing's a little bit easier, to which Bailey agreed however currently really bad thing's had been happening around their happy little town.

Apparently people had been going missing left and right, authorities seemed to be baffled not able to figure anything out, but they could only assume that most of the victim's we're most likely dead, because of this Charlotte had suggested that her and Bailey have a little away time, Going on a nice trip to the mountain's at her uncle's old cabin, and for a odd reason Bailey seemed a little bit more excited about doing this, which made Charlotte curious though happy Bailey was happy.

The trip was long and very boring, however Charlotte manged while driving to annoy Bailey the entire way there, however still Bailey seemed a little bit different she had a warm smile attached to her face the whole ride, However on the way to the cabin there seemed to be alerts on the radio, of a possible snow storm it being December and all, though Charlotte completely ignored it not wanting anything to ruin this trip, however as they we're getting closer to their destination, Charlotte decides to stop at the only town they would be seeing for a while, Charlotte park's the car in the store parking lot before turning her head looking at Bailey with a smile as she says.

"Isn't this so exciting Bailey, just me and you and mother nature you know i have a feeling once we get there you are going to finally be so happy, and not be in such a bad mood all the time, plus you're already smiling so we are off to a great start." Charlotte says as she waits patiently for Bailey to say something, as Bailey's smile lessens slightly Bailey says. "Yeah sure i guess it's a little captivating, one could say but don't get to ahead of yourself Charlotte, I'm not suddenly going to spark up because of some tree's...Just hurry up so we can keep going."

Bailey says as her face seemed to go back to a stand still, as Charlotte kinda sighed not wanting to aggravate Bailey, so she steps out of the car walking towards the entrance of the store, as Bailey sits in the car her eye's oddly eyeing Charlotte's movements, as Bailey's little smile comes back, Charlotte takes a little bit in the store trying to interact with some of the locals, before heading back to the car with some thing's putting them into the back, before hopping back into the car and saying. "Alrighty i got everything we we're short on, so let's get going again!" Charlotte says with a excited tone before starting up the car and driving on the road once again.

The drive continued to be long and grueling, however it seemed Charlotte was getting more excited knowing they were close, as the car begins heading down a more offroad dirt road, as the car eventually stops infront of a nice looking cabin, as the sky above looked positively perfect to Charlotte as she says. "Alright Bailey we're here finally it took a while but just look around! So perfect in every possible way am i not right?" Charlotte says with a cheerful tone, as she waits for Bailey's response Bailey loses that little smile again as she says. "Hm sure yeah perfect, seems like a joke to me but i guess everyone has their taste, even if their awful, i can't stand being outside it's so suffocating, anyway let's hurry up and get inside because just looking around i want to puke." Bailey says with a cold tone. As Charlotte looks a little disappointed that Bailey isn't more into it, though deep down Charlotte felt like eventually Bailey would come around.

As the two began unloading the luggage from the car, Charlotte doing most of the work, as Bailey didn't seem to be too keen on lifting much of anything, However she helped some while watching Charlotte once again, with that odd stare watching her every movement. With that soft smile as they both eventually get everything inside, as Charlotte takes a deep breath before saying.

"Okay now that everything is unpacked and set up, hmmm i think i know exactly what we should do before it gets late we should go for a walk, you know live a little bit there's no way i am letting you sit around this entire time." Charlotte says with a bit of a stern look and tone, as Bailey lays on the couch looking up at the ceiling fan, spinning round and round as she has this blank look on her face, almost like she was somewhere else completely, before she blinks a bit saying. "Oh...Uhh..Yeah right, We'll i guess i mean i would rather not go out into that bright hellscape, but i suppose if you're going to annoy me then let's go...I guess." Bailey says with a reluctant tone, as she with a big sigh gets up from the couch, Walking towards the front door waiting for Charlotte seeming annoyed. As Charlotte becomes giddy and says. "Yes!! You see we are going to have fun let's walk when we get back, i promise i will make dinner so you won't have to do anything, I'm just so excited and if it is a hellscape it's one you're gonna have a blast on, so let's go!"

Charlotte says as she opens the door walking out, as Bailey watches her from behind intently as Bailey also walks out shutting the door behind her, as the two walk through the wilderness it was quiet and peaceful, however Bailey followed Charlotte listening to how cheerful she was, Bailey's mouth smiled softly as the two eventually ended up standing before a large looking lake, Bailey's smile fades away as Charlotte turns around as she says.

"Isn't this beautiful Bailey...I know you're not a big fan of nature and what not, though...I really appreciate you coming out here with me, you know getting away from everything it's kinda nice just me and you, don't you think? What am i saying you probably don't even care." Charlotte says as she sits down infront of the lake looking into the water, As Bailey listened to Charlotte tilting her head slightly like she never heard anything like it, as Bailey picks up a stone looking over the lake before looking at Charlotte and saying. "Hmm you know Charlotte...Looking at everything i am seeing right now, it seems like maybe you're right even though it's definitely suffocating...You know you ever notice how a stone being skipped, only skips four time's before sinking...It's kinda interesting, it reminds me of something...Yeah definitely something..." Bailey says with a sorta different tone it was soft but her eye's we're a little shacky, as she whips her arm back before throwing the stone, it skips one...Two...Three...Four time's before sinking, as Bailey suddenly blinks her eye's a couple of time's, As Charlotte seemed a little weirded out by that odd talking Bailey did, As Charlotte stands up giving Bailey a little playful nudge before saying. "Wow...I uhh...Never knew you had such interesting word's Bailey, maybe we should head back it's getting late, but i would love to hear more of you're interesting takes, and yeah i suppose that is weird i guess the stone is meant to sink on the four skip." Charlotte says with a little smile before walking back to the cabin, as Bailey looks out at the lake one more time before following Charlotte silently saying to herself. "Yeah meant to sink..." Bailey says with a extremely silent tone, as the two eventually make it back to the cabin the skies begin to darken and the weather begins to get colder and colder. As Charlotte is currently cooking, Bailey is laying down on the floor looking up at the ceiling fan once again, as it spins round and round Bailey smiles giggling softly, as Charlotte walks into the room seeing Bailey laying on the floor she looked a little worried before saying. "Bailey uhh...Are you okay i was just going to tell you dinner is served on a Charlotte, but you seem to be kinda off Bailey you're my friend and you can tell me anything, so what's wrong?" Charlotte says as she lays down next to Bailey, as Bailey turns her head almost in a creepy fashion at Charlotte before saying. "I have no idea what you're talking about Charlotte, I'm completely fine i still hate mostly everything so don't worry I'm not crazy or anything, gee who are you my mom worrying so much, though i will admit i appreciate it Charlotte...Very...Much..." Bailey says with a slow tone, almost cracking a grin which Charlotte actually caught this time, however not saying anything about it as Bailey stands up walking to the kitchen. However Charlotte gets up her heart kinda beginning to beat at a faster pace for some reason, Charlotte almost felt scared of Bailey and her weird attitude, Though Charlotte takes a deep breath before walking to the kitchen.

Seeing Bailey had already sat down and started eating, Charlotte sat down across from Bailey and began eating as We'll, not even noticing Bailey's odd look's now and again. As Bailey finishes her food before saying. "You know Charlotte i have noticed it's getting chilly outside...Which is good because that means the hellscape can freeze over, but i will let you have the bed i don't mind sleeping on the couch, considering the bed is too small for two. Anyway Charlotte i am actually probably going to head to bed...Try to get warm, I'll see you tomorrow night..." Bailey awkwardly says, before walking out of the kitchen, as Charlotte doesn't even respond cleaning up the dinner, before looking at the knives on the kitchen counter, she couldn't believe she felt unsafe around Bailey but something was off, however Charlotte takes a deep breath before leaving the knives alone. As Charlotte walks towards the bedroom, closing her door as she tucks down into the cover's closing her eye's and going to sleep.

As the weather outside becomes more cold and frigid, in the middle of the night Charlotte's door silently opens as Bailey stands at the doorway, Silently not saying a word as she walks into the room standing over Charlotte, Looking over Charlotte's face looking at her taking soft breaths, as Bailey's nose starts bleeding slightly as her eye's twitch slightly. However Bailey licks the blood softly dripping down her nose, As she silently walks back out of the room silently closing the door behind her.

Eventually Charlotte began waking up slowly but surely morning had come, Charlotte gets up from the bed seeing barely any light coming from outside, as she opens the blinds it seemed that warning was right and the snow came in hard. However as Charlotte sighs she doesn't have long before hearing the sound's of Christmas music coming from the living room.

And as Charlotte slowly begins making her way towards the living room, walking down the narrow hallway, she feels this slight feeling in her body a feeling of dispare, and that feeling is so right.

end of part 1

A little bit of Christmas horror for you, i know this is a very slow burn but sometimes you have to let thing's burn slow. Part 2 is going to be far more interesting to say the least, i hope this is decently liked part 2 is coming very soon. And of course Merry Christmas~.

© Dats Cool