

Promise to end waiting
"I'm willing to wait but will you promise to come back... "
She said to him. He was going on a mission and promised to come back.
But... The thing she heard after 2 weeks weren't what he said before leaving. She was informed that in an aggressive firing he and his mates couldn't escape but he helped the citizens to come out. They gave her a letter wrote by him before leaving, the letter said.
"I know love if this letter is in your hands and you're reading this, I didn't keep my promise, I won't ask you to forgive me but please don't be sad for me too. I'll always be by your side. I love you. Don't miss me, my death caused good for our country, be proud of me. "
She broke up and started crying, she was proud of what he did but she was sad that she couldn't see him anymore...
Slowly a year went by, she was sitting on the same bench in park where they used to meet after college, it was their wedding anniversary, she had a cake by her side but tears in her eyes as well. She smiled and lit up then candles and said, "happy marriage anniversary love, I know you're by my side as you said." She wasn't finished with what she was saying when she heard someone saying, "Yes, I'm here" She turned and was shocked after seeing that it was her husband...
After a while of explanation she came to know, that he and his mates went undercover and it was all the part of plan to fake the death. When the realisation came to her that the man sitting in front of her is real she said
"You kept it"
"What!? "
"Your promise, you never broke it. You came back"
"And you were waiting"
© nisha