

ABANDONED (Chapter 3)

The following morning, Whitefield came to the basement as usual to see My Mother and Annie. On getting there, he met My Mother on the way with Annie's drug leather but he didn't ask her what the drug was for instead he asked My Mother if Annie was at home. My Mother told him that Annie was seriously ill due to what happened, but Whitefield didn't show any sympathy nor pity for her, instead he went in again and harassed her again. After some months, we had issues with the basement and we were sent out of the basement to the streets. While on the street , Mr Lightwood decided to render some help to us, but we didn't know that he was only going to worsen the case. On getting to the Lightwood house, we met his three children : Joachim, Jeremiah, Jonah. Joachim, being the first born of the family of the Light wood, was very proud, stubborn and ignorant unlike his brothers which are quite the opposite of him. Mr Lightwood leaves home in the Morning to work, we were left with Mrs Lightwood, the three boys and Nanny Carmel. Nanny Carmel was nice and gentle, She took care of Annie until She was feeling well again and strong. With the three boys around, we started working like slaves with our dirty clothes and My Mother's torn clothes. We hardly eat but we work a lot for the Lightwood until one day My Mother collapses.
On Sunday morning, My Mother woke up and found herself at the hospital. The doctor came out and announced to us that she was having another baby again but how come, no one knows.
My mother became intensed and bothered about the pregnancy and who the Father might be. My Mother was Maltreated and beaten so bitterly that She almost cried her eyes out. Mr Lightwood on the other hand Maltreated My Mother and treated her like a slave even after knowing that She was carrying a Child. He also abused her and called her different names and also called her children bastards because we didn't have a Father.

Mr Lightwood also made it known to My Mother that he only rendered help to her by accommodating her and her bastard children into his house without knowing that her aim was different. My Mother tried to tell him that it was not what he was thinking. Even during the pregnancy, She didn't know how She got pregnant but She just knew that She was pregnant. Although My Mother was not a virgin Mary that gave birth to Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit but with this pregnancy that no one knows who the Father was, it was a huge surprise to everyone. One cold night, Mr Lightwood sent us all out of his house and his children also assisted in doing so. That night there was So much noise in the compound but all I could hear was “Prostitute! get out of the house” and “How did she even get pregnant when she is not a virgin mary?”. That night, I felt so embarrassed and I couldn't help myself but cry even after trying so much to be a man. Later on that night, we found ourselves again in the basement that was even two times smaller than the one we lived in before, we hardly found space to sleep and even at night we had to squeeze ourselves like fish to sleep which was very unhealthy for My Mother and her pregnancy. In pain and agony we lived in the basement but we weren't alone because we had companions which were the “ pests and insects” that visited the basement occasionally, just when we thought we could live in peace, Mr Whitefield found us again at the basement of a tall building but we never knew that both the building and the basement was for Mr Whitefield because that is where he lived with his Daughter.

© _Bleeding Ink_