

What is this part 2
The next day at school.
Hey Sabrina,do you have those answers we wanted. No I'm sorry Harper but my dad caught me.
Oh,well I guess you can't be in our club. What club? Well every Friday night me Chole and a few other girls go out party have fun and sneak into college parties.
Oh,well he brought them to school maybe I can take pictures of them and send them to your phone.
That would be great Rina. Is it okay if I call you that? Umm...no not really just ca-. Great,see you around Rina. Sabrina not Rina.
But as usual she didn't hear me. She heard what she wanted to hear just like usual.
Everyone thinks I'm stupid. I mean at first I was naive but now I have a revenge plan. She's not getting the answers to the exam. She will be getting the answers to the test from two months ago...which she also failed. Uhh I don't know why but how can someone be so freaking stupid. Doesn't make sense to me at all.
Chole me and Harper all had my dad's class after lunch so I snuck into his room and got the answers.
I snuck in and took the answers out and started taking photos. When I heard someone coming I put in back in the desk and sat in my seat quickly. Luckily,it was just a few boys and they weren't nosy either. When more and more people started coming I went ahead and sent Harper and Chloe the answers. I wanted to see there faces when they see that low grade they got.
5 minutes later...
The bell rang and right when it did my dad stepped in and started taking but I wasnt even listening I was to caught up laughing at my own victory. Then I noticed he started to pass out the exams. I got ready and took the exam without any answers.
After the exam...
I turned in my exam walked out the class and saw Harper waiting for me. Hey Rina thanks for giving us the answers you're coming to the club tomorrow night right? Sure I will send me the address and I'll be on my way.
Okay and wear something cute.
Right. I was trying so hard not to punch her in her raggity pie looking face she's so stupid she can't see when someone doesn't like her can she? Just then I got a text on my phone. "I know what you did be ready cause in 24 hours your life will be turned upside down.
Who is this I replied.
That's for me to know and you to find out enjoy the search but let me give you a hint it won't be easy.
How did you get my number.
You ask alot of questions you sure as heck won't be getting the answers to.
I stopped texting what does this person mean "in 24 hours your life will be turned upside down?
And what do they know about the answers or... They know what I did two years ago. Something I barely even trust myself with how do they know?

Wanna know what she did? Come back soon and you'll find out. Bye see u soon