

Lost Childhood 26
He had decided he would get the phone back from her the next time he saw her. He didn’t know what made him do it or why he thought it was a good idea in the first place. Sara was preparing to be a nurse and had no training in law enforcement. He then realized the only reason he did it was to have contact with her, which was a very selfish and stupid reason. He was a grown man and he wasn’t innocent high school or college anymore.

When he got home he took another shower. Stakeouts always made him feel like he had been working outside even though it was just sitting in a vehicle observing. After his shower he checked for messages in his phones. There were none on his work phone, but he did have a message on his personal cellphone and his home phone. They were both from Sara thanking him for the evening again. It was late and he was tired; he would give her a call sometime tomorrow maybe invite her to lunch.

Alex woke up the next morning well rested and ready to conquer another day. When he arrived at work, he sent his request for surveillance equipment for approval. Believing what he had observed the night before warranted his request; teenagers using an unoccupied dwelling unsupervised and after curfew. It would also be more efficient than the cost of staffing around the clock surveillance. Once that was completed he checked in with the team from the night before; they were just finishing up their reports when he walked in.

Nothing too much of importance to report which would reassure his reasons for the request of the equipment he had just requested. The only cost involved would be the time needed for the installation process and monitoring of the CCTV footage. As soon as that was approved they would be able to at least identify some of the people involved in the activities going on at the house. The next thing on the agenda was getting the phone back from Sara.

Alex dialed Sara’s number and she picked up on the second ring. “Hey chica. ¿qué pasa? He said. “Hey Alex” she responded. He then proceeded to ask her if she was free for lunch, he had something important he wanted to talk with her about. She smiled and said, “Sure what time?” He said, “Now. I can pick you up in thirty minutes.” She agreed and they hung up their phones. When he picked her up, he said, “Oh I forgot to ask you while we were talking to bring the phone. Do you have it with you? She said, “Yes. Are you firing me?” He nodded his head.

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