


There was a girl named Sophia who loves a boy whose name was Hussain. She loves him truly but she never told him about her feelings because she don't want to lose him. Sophia knows that she will never get loved back but she kept loving him and imagining herself with him. Hussain used to go to a cafe everyday .Sophia also go there just to see her love but never talked him . After a very long time she noticed that she started having an eye contact with him . One day hussain came and said that he also loves her but don't have courage to say this. she was so happy with this .After all she met her love. they used to met everyday and started spending time with each other .
As we know that things not remain same always .so the problems also started came between them. Now they usually met . Hussain started putting restriction on her . He sometimes abused her. Because of this kind of behavior Sophia used to live upset . When we love someone truly and gets pain in return then we don't say anything to that person but we just blame ourself . One day Sophia committed a sucide when hussain said that he don't love him . He's in a relationship with other girl. Sophia started living a life in a room . She stop talking to anybody . As the time passed she learned to live with this pain.
This pain turned into revenge . She decided to take revenge because hussain said that you're the girl with whom noone wants to live. Sophia met a boy on a dating app . When they met, the boy whose name was Rahul , proposed her.Sophia accepted his proposal just to take revenge. But in this game of revenge she failed and fell in love again . Rahul also cheated on her. When rahul leave her she commit suicide again and this time Destiny also leaves her hand .
Don't be obsessed in love .