

Sweet Pie
"I had plans for you, but you messed it up"
I said these with a sad tone on my voice while she was tearing down, I knew she was probably faking the whole shit, but that's non of my business again. Within me, I was really happy for what I had done and how it ended.
Shola and I have been together for a while now. We met at a house party, I remember telling Obinna that I didn't want to go to Nonso's place that evening, but that leech insisted on dragging me out.
"It's a great step for you, giving that you're as single as a singlet since high school and you rarely got out of the house"
I tried shrugging his hands off my head, as he laughed at me. Indeed he was right. It's been four years since I left high school, back then it was Bimbola, my queen and heartbeat. I was crushing on her from the first grade till the last until I was persuaded by Obi and his cartel to walk up to her. I did and surprisingly she accepted. She was a complete spec, beautiful, curvy, intelligent and reserved. This girl was an angel in disguise. I remember watching her during morning devotions, one day I was caught off guard when our principal was making announcements and I was lost in her fantasy, he noticed me and shouted my name, telling me to repeat what he said last, I couldn't; the whole school laughed at me back then. I got off to a great start with her, I mean I was good in Maths and Chemistry and she was good too. Coming from a Deeper life home where everything was very strict, she had nothing else to do than to continually read at home. So there was a healthy competition among us. I remember when we were solving cyclical quards and an open question was thrown, we both knew the answer as we raised our hands up together, our Maths teacher noticed this strange chemistry and smiled, the whole class followed by shouting Mr and Mrs Maths! Those MFs.....
Well love is for fools you know, and I was a big one. Bimbola broke my heart on our graduation day. Did she? or was it her over religious mother? anyways fuck them. I dressed my best for that day hoping to have a long lasting experience with her, yunno taking pictures and dancing together on the prom floor, heck! I even dreamt of where she was the prom queen and I was the prom king, that was until she showed up with her mom that day, she wore her normal church over lengthy skirt and one blue blouse like that, her mom clutched her by her hand as if she was in a thieves den, her eyes were snaring like a lion. I waved at her when we made eye contact and she pretended as if she didn't see me. They went to the office together and that was where the problem started. Few minutes later, they came out together with the principal and surprisingly, he called me. When I came, I greeted the wretched woman who didn't even return my greetings; before I could utter another word, Bimbola told her mom, "it's him" while pointing at me. The woman flared up and started shouting at me.
"Shey it's you that want to spoil my child"
"You useless boy, I'm sure your parents didn't train you well. Where are your parents?"
My parents didn't show up for my graduation, they were always busy with their businesses.
"My daughter said that you've been spoiling her mind with all your love nonsense. See eh, any day you dare come close to her, Agam eji osiso piawa gi isi! Oluku!"
The principal was trying to calm her down as to avoid any scene.
I wished the earth would swallow me up that day. Everyone laughed at me that day except Obi.
I vowed never to love again.
Fuck love.
Okay fast forward to today. I'm now a student of the University of Ibadan, studying Petroleum engineering. I just came back due to Asuu strike and I've always been in touch with Obi. That guy na bastard. He's studying medicine in Absu. I don't know how he managed but it's none of my business. Obi has always been that bird of different feather that flocks together, I mean we're not similar in any way, yet we tend to roll together.
It was at this house party that I met Shola. For a guy my age, with my looks and brain, I could easily be among the hotcakes in the dating market, yet my introverted life has not allowed me. She was in one corner with her friends, Obi must have known them before judging from how he talked with them. I just said hi and looked away. After we had settled down with our drinks, I noticed her eyes were on me. At first I thought it was nothing, until I looked again and she was still looking at me. This time winking her eyes, and damn she was gorgeous, beautiful eyes and pointed nose, her lip gloss gave out this magnificent aura on her face. She must have been in her early twenties, I was in my mid. it still shocks me to see what these little girls are doing in clubs nowadays. Shyingly I told Obi, he thought I was bluffing until I told him for the third time.
He told me what to do, "Walk up to her and ask her for a dance" simple. I wished I never did. I gathered courage and walked up to her, before I could even finish my statement, she stood up and gave me her hands, like she read my mind lmao. We danced a lil bit and I told her she was beautiful, she blushed and said I was a handsome guy. I asked her if she was single, she said yes and asked me too, I told her I was a singlet. We laughed, made jokes, drank and exchanged numbers at the party.
We got off to a great start, I mean for the first two weeks I was actually excited for something. We regularly talked on WhatsApp and calls, she was a student of Imsu studying mass communication, her house was a lil bit far from mine but we still met sometimes. This love was real for me, mumu me was always calling her and sending her airtime every time. I was not working and the little money I got from my uncle was forwarded to Shola. Stupid me!
Shola shocked me........ and I shocked her back........ One day I called her and a guy picked up the phone, said that he was Shola's boyfriend.. Omoh I went mad, but as a sharp guy I knew what to do. I told him that I was Shola's side boo from school and we've been together since year one and I knew all about him, I told him that she was even planning to scam him so that we would run away with his money plus Shola had been running hook up at school and I called to confirm costumer for her thia. The guy was shocked and cut the call. I smiled and dropped my phone. Some hours later, my phone rang, it was her. I didn't pick up, it rang for seven times before I did. She was crying, I asked her what happened. She said that I had ruined her relationship of three years for her, that the guy even had plans of marrying her. I told her eiiyaaa, sorry oo. I also had plans of saving my money. Thief!