

Being Carefree
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the river or lie on it's edge of the seashores.The beach is a very exciting place to be when you’re still 7 years old.To be told you’re going to the beach straight after school is the biggest thrill ever – especially when that’s unheard of because it’s an hour’s drive away. That’s when it becomes one of those pivotal childhood memories. It was an unusually hot summer. My sister and I had got used to cooling ourselves down with popsicles in the paddling pool. But one extra hot, muggy afternoon.We ran into the sea, whooping and hollering for joy, then settled down in the sand to build sandcastles and take turns to bury each other in the sand. We ate our cheese and marmite sandwiches, our faces sticky with tomato juice mixed with sand, strawberries and suncream.Dirty and tired, we fell asleep on the drive home, about as happy as it’s possible to be outside of Christmas, after telling each other “that was the best day ever!” And it was.We went waterskiing and swam out to the coral until my sister and I convinced ourselves that the dark reef beneath us was the Jaws-sized shadow of a shark and had to rush back.I grew up in a family that didn’t go on beach holidays. We spent our summers on a family farm and we had the classic teenage problem of embarrassing parents. Our father insisted on wearing these awful cut off jeans at the beach and our mother entered – and won – the hotel’s limbo dance. Mesmerising those memorize of my childhood is now wishing to go back being child,being carefree,back then I don't have files in my mind that "All the thing could go wrong".I want to go back believing everything knowing nothing wrong at all.

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