

"OMG I'm late!" Lina yelled as she whizzed into her class.
As soon as she got in she saw Mrs Sanchez writing on the board. Lina knew what is was: Arithmetic, her least favorite subject. She hardly sat down when Mrs. Sanchez spun around and said sternly" Since one of you decided to come to class late, we will have an Arithmetic test, right now." The whole class groaned as she passed around the test sheet. Melanie folded her arms and glared at Lina.
"What?!" Lina asked irritated.
" It's your fault. She was in a good mood today!"
Lina just shrugged and started to write her test.
A couple of minutes later, Mrs Sanchez collected the work sheets and began to mark the test. She then shared the work sheets to the students and stood there silently watching all the students.
" Exactly my point. You were late. I'll call your mom after school closes and I hope she would not be too hard on you."
The whole day, Lina was in a bad mood. She did not want to have to deal with her mom. Her mum will go on and on about back in her days at school and Lina was not in the mood for that.
After school closed, she went with two of her best friends, Talia and Kira, to get a slice of pizza from Pizza Hut. No sooner had she eaten her cheesy slice of pizza, she was happy again. Well Temporarily. Ring Ring Ring! Her mom was calling. She dreaded speaking to her mom but she picked up the phone.
" Lina Fellas Gelmetrone! Get your butt here right now. You are in huge trouble with me! "
Great! Mrs Sanchez had told her mom. Lina didn't say anything. Just about the same moment, Jake, Lina's crush was passing by. She ,Lina had wanted to look cool whenever he passed. Today was no exception.She prepared to act cool when Talia's slice of pizza landed on her hair, ruining it. Lina wanted to cry. Today was the worst day of her life. She waited till Jake had passed and she started to cry.
Even though her best friends tried to comfort her, she still continued to sob.
" I flunked a test, I'm in BIG trouble with my mom and now my crush saw me at my worst moment. Can this day get any worse done this?"
The was nothing she could do than to go home, shower and have a huge talk with mum. For now that is what she would have to do.

Thanks for reading and stay safe wherever you are.💖💖

© O'nee