

Where Peach Meets Blue 🌤️
"Often there are words we wish we could have spoken to the person we desire, but most of the time the dice falls on the side we don't want, and we end up burying those words."

The SMC Congregation had two teams compete in the yearly session for teenage teams from all throughout the state; team 1 had 13 participants, while team 2 had 7. All of the parents were there to drop off their children at the bus stop.

Avii, a clumsy, dumb, and rather introverted boy, was going on his first trip with his friends rather than his family. With all of the anxiety and fear of the trip, he felt as if someone had put a gun to his head, but before he could make himself any more nervous, he saw someone who was Avii's long-time friend and on whom Avii had a crush. Tash was a brilliant, appealing, and bright girl. She was the most mature and humble female in the bunch. Avii and Tash were childhood friends, but they never spoke much. "Just a small talk, not much" Avii repeatedly utters in his head, she wants to have a sight of her, but he fails to see her in some way. In the evening, the groups stopped at a restaurant for refreshments. Despite the fact that Avii's friends were stuck with him, he managed to catch a glimpse of Tash. It felt as if God intended Avii to talk to Tash, as he was permitted to seat past her at tables.

They arrived at the spot they were going to stay around 8 p.m., and Avii's bed was only four beds away from Tash's. Even though he was exhausted, a voice inside his heart wanted to tell Tash about his feelings, but all of his thoughts faded as he fell asleep.

Everyone was partly asleep, as if they were all sluggish; Avii's stomach was full with mice, as were all of the others. Tash stood nearby with her plate, eating her breakfast, and before Avii could say anything, she opened a discussion with him. "I am very concerned about our performance today, are you not? You received two performances right?" she asks in a quick tone. Avii is surprised by her query, but he calmly says, "Not exactly two, but three of you combine the test too, and honestly, I am in the same boat as you."

Despite their subpar efforts, they helped each other during the journey. Avii grew to like her more with each passing minute as she felt at ease around him. On the last day, the skies were raining, and everyone was preparing to go with memories and prizes. An hour into the ride, Avii, who was sad and gloomy, peered out the window, and the skies looked like if someone drew a picture, before he could admire it. His companions took the window. He saw Tash sitting alone, and there was an opportunity.

"Hey, can I sit beside you? I want to see outside," he says calmly, and Tash accepts; in between all of the activities on the bus, Avii was staring at the sky and thinking if he should tell Tash. Before he could make a decision, Tash rests on her seat beside Avii and looks at him strangely. "Aren't you enjoying it all, Avii? You are quite boring," she asks. She then playfully begs Avii for her window seat, "Give me my seat, Avii," while Tash grins and chuckles. Avii responds, "On one accord, say please, Avii." He smirks because he knows she would never say it, and Tash laughs and encourages him even more. He finally provides her the seat, but throughout this, he forgets the talk, but there is another voice in his heart. But this time, it instructs him not to express her sentiments to her.

Despite not saying what he truly wanted to say, he gained a valuable memory that he will never forget. As a wise man once said, "If I write a poem, you can feel the words as they shall be powerful enough to paint the picture in your conscience, but if I paint a picture that might not require words, perhaps words can be deceiving."

Maybe avii's words were not as strong as the painting that the sky drew at the end of their adventure; perhaps they will meet again and communicate their wants at the corner where peach meets blue.

© jude