

Why is the crow dabbling himself under the broken sunshade of the window of our neighbour's empty house? Is he a baby? Perhaps, it may be Or not be. As its friends are trying to reach their owns but obviously have failed several times due to the storming breeze.Or is it intelligent? ... I don't know...
By the way, why is the house empty till now? I can memorise, they often used to set on for a tour. Everytime they returned except for the last. News came, the entire family passed away in a very pathetic road accident. But, Francis, the driver was really a dexterous driver. But how it happened? Is it just a grim fate... or a unfortunate present to them... or the combination of these?...I don't know!
Leave it, can you see the dancing banyan sapling at the very end of north corner of theirs? Why have it grown there? Only for catharsis of birds? So why not at the other ends? Every places are covered with excretion... I mean the places get the natural resources equally to grow a tree! Isn't that? So why? Have you thought anytime? Don't make any assumptions. Actually I don't know...
Okay, get it out of your mind. Look it's only dancing but not felled till now by the cyclonic wind. Amazing, it only have its acrobatic skills and weaker roots to fight! But you will watch that its grandparents will be thrown away severely though they have grown more roots(which were stronger enough) through mother earth's womb. Why does it take place? Is it only the process of welcoming the new lives and farewelling the older ones? I want answer do not say, "perhaps or may be". As I don't know...
One thing tell me , could the mankind changed their primal lifestyle? May be very few parts have been changed but not totally... I mean, we could not conquer the nature..the death.We are really too puny in front of the vast former. This storm, pandemic epidemic, tsunami, earthquakes always teach us we are not eligible for ruling what we try to do everytime! So could we make any different except declaring us with unjust " the smartest, the most intelligent" ? But other species even nature don't care it. Isn't it? Answer me... I don't know too...

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