


A loud and piercing voice yelled out . She turned around to see her best friend and assistant Maya , running toward her .

"Oh my God ... I missed you so much . How was your Christmas? Was it amazing? I can't wait to tell your about mine . I would have done it earlier , but the reception sucked at the resort.....I just can't wait to..."

Gia could have sworn that Maya was the most hyper person in her life . She had literally called her from across the street and dashed past people, not caring if she bumped into anyone, while making crazy gestures with her hand to signal her .

The moment she finally caught up to Gia , she wrapped her arms tightly around her as if letting go was forbidden.

Gia could feel herself suffocate now , she gently patted Maya's back and slowly pulled herself away. When she was finally free, she forced a kind smile and squeezed Maya's soft and slender hands.

" I missed you too Maya. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself this Christmas. Now let's get to work , I think it's gonna rain in a bit , let's catch up at work okay ?"

Maya nodded and hooked her arm with Gia's . As they walked to their workplace, Maya couldn't help but notice that Gia seemed a bit distant.

Actually, Gia had been distant for the past few months and she couldn't find a way to get her to open up without unintentionally pushing Gia away in the process. So, as a good and dedicated best friend, she decided to respect Gia's privacy and be around all the time ....just in case the time came when Gia needed to talk to her .

They finally got to work and Gia opened the restaurant. She had gone to culinary school after high school and she became a chef in a few years . She was around 20 . She then moved from job to job, from investor to investor until she met Carlos and he believed in her enough to invest in her .

And that's how her world slowly begun to go crazy. At first everything was professional. She opened her restaurant with Carlos' investment and paid him back bit by bit until she owed him no more . And the restaurant was legally hers.

Looking back on it now , she realised she still owed him . All the gifts and occasional vacations he granted her when they were in a relationship were from the pockets of Carlos. And if they aren't together anymore, then she needs to pay back every single cent. That's what she made herself believe.

"Earth to Gia"

Maya said while vigorously shaking her friend who had been stuck in an unknown land in her mind for more than 2 minutes. Gia finally snapped out of it and apologised . Maya gave a wry smile and mouthed "it's okay ".

They got busy with setting up the restaurant and calling their suppliers for fresh fruits, veggies and meat . After about an hour of pacing up and down, they finally took a break and sat to talk over coffee.

Gia didn't want to seem like she had a problem, so she wrapped her fingers around Maya's knuckles and asked her to give her a full detailed report on the Christmas holidays.

Maya on the other hand , had been dying to tell her everything. She quickly unloaded everything to her best friend and started beaming in the end .

The reason for her joy was that , Maya had met a guy at the resort and though they hadn't talked much about it , Maya felt that there could be something between them in the future.

On the other hand, Gia was trying hard to hold herself together and make sure Maya doesn't see that something is wrong with her.
She occasionally threw in quick questions and funny statements to keep Maya from noticing anything.

"You really should get a boyfriend Gee. You have to, you're not getting any younger, you'll be 25 in a few months."

Maya did not know about Carlos, in fact the only ones who knew were the security and home staff of Carlos . He had made it super clear to Gia that nobody was to know of their relationship. Not even Gia's mom or Maya.

So, for the past 2 years , she had been lying about being single and having occasional flings with people she often supposedly met at bars and beaches.

He had made it super clear to Gia that nobody was to know of their relationship. Not even Gia's mom or Maya.

No one knew, so whenever Carlos hurt her, she had no one to comfort her. She silently broke and awaited Carlos to fix her back and it always took him forever to do so . This time though, it seemed Carlos wouldn't fix what he broke . And that was the part that scared her the most .

Maya sat across her , confused. She didn't know which part of her story was sad, so she didn't know why Gia had started crying all of a sudden.

She noticed that again Gia was lost in thought and she didn't even realise she was crying. She gently placed her palm on Gia's cheek and wiped her tears .

"Whatever it is Gia, I'm here for you. I don't wanna pressure you , but I know something is wrong . I don't wanna loose you Gee , so tell me whenever you're ready . I'm here "

Gia finally gave up and broke into uncontrollable sobs . She was like that for a while, then she finally decided to tell Maya everything. Maya , was definitely not prepared for what she was about to hear . She could have guessed a million things, but not this.

"What did you say ?"
Maya asked, stunned and hurt by what she just heard.

" I fell in love Maya, I fell in love with someone I shouldn't have. And now, I'm paying the ultimate price"

Gia didn't need to mention a name . Maya already knew who Gia was talking about . There could only be one person.

All those coincidences weren't just coincidences , they were together and Gia kept it from everyone.

As she sat to analyse everything, Maya couldn't help but feel a pang of betrayal and anger towards Gia .

She sat back and bit her lip as if that would stop the stream already flowing down her cheeks . The pain Maya was feeling was like none other and in that moment, she was stuck in a limbo .

She didn't know if to listen to Gia first and act or just get up and leave . The two just sat there across each other in total awkward deafening silence .

Stay tuned for chapter 3 . Don't forget to like and comment . Lemme know what you think 🥰

© The-labyrinth-within