

Love flourishes
Loving someone truly is not your fault..
Believing someone with your life is not your mistake..
Neither being betrayed,
Nor being deceived, for no reason does..
But doing this to someone is unforgivable crime..
You might have a heartbreak,
but remember,
You were the meaning of true love..
You might be replaced by someone,
But surely that someone can't be you..
They might seem happy with someone new..
But surely they can't be happy
because your true love can't be forgotten..
You should be the happiest person,
if someone loves them more better than you..
But if not, they shall know what is true love..
They shall know whom they have lost..
You may not go back into their life..
But you can be a secret well wisher..
What is meant to us shall never leave us,
What is meant for us shall always find its way to reach us..
But first and foremost thing is..
We are humans..
We are meant to love and take care of each other, even
if they hate you or broke your heart..
Being called as human being is not great,
But being Human is great.
So let you and I be a human first..
Live and let the other human live life..
Love has no ending so be happy..
Let you and I flourish in love..
Love might have failures but
it has victory at the end..
© Hana