

Mas kcuf
I find myself remembering more about you. The details in your face, the imperfections that made you wonderful. I can't lie and say I didn't fall in love, how couldn't I? Two years, you were the light of my life and yet now, you are a bittersweet toxicin I have to swallow and get over. I was blinded to the pain you were inflicting, but yet the damage has been done. I'm left with the question "did you love me?" yet, the back of my mind, I know the truth. The same feeling I got around you, being a pawn to a game. One day I'll accept that I was nothing to you, one day I'll accept that the love I felt wasn't true, one day I'll accept my life without you. Till that day, I'll live to spite you, to show the world what you created.
© theillusivewriter