

Among all the things u have the most difficult thing is *LIFE*..Life is a veryyy difficult test.Numerious prblms are there.No one in this world is intrensically fully happay.To understand this life just take a look at yourself first .Isn't is same situation u too have many prblms.. But y is this???.sometimes u may think that this is so unfair why are these prblms in my life.sometimes u speak to Almighty why are these situations ?y have u provided only me these situations??..Listen carefully if there were no prblms in life then it would not b called a oerfect life.When u define life u say yourself life is shrondingerre's smile ,life is a game , life is a test, life is combination of happiness & sorrowes, Life is not a bed of roses etc.PRBLMS ARE THERE BUT THE BRAVE IS THE ONE WHO TACKELS ALL OF THEM HAPPILY. I know u 2 are currently in a mixed situation but dont worry b brave enough.

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