

Mullah Nasruddin (Story 2)
Mullah Nasruddin is one of the most popular ancient persian characters across the world. The stories of his cleverness and intelligence are equally loved by both kids and Adults

Down the Tree
Once, a man had climbed up a date-palm tree to taste some fresh fruits. After he had eaten his fill, he decided to come down, but he soon realised that the trip down was impossible. Try as he might, he was not able to find a way off the tree without risking his life. He was sure of getting hurt in the process of climbing down.

He asked some passers-by to help, but they were also clueless; a few tried helping out, but in vain. Looking at the crowd, Nasruddin walked up to the tree ans devised a plan to save the poor fellow.

Mullah Nasruddin said, ''Getbme a long rope. I can bring him down.'' Looking at this, the locals wondered what was the plan? When the rope was fetched, Mullah Nasruddin tied a knot on one end, and threw it up to the man on the man on the tree, instructing him to catch it and tie it around his waist. After some effort, the man caught hold of the rope and followed the instructions. Then, in a flash, Mullah violently tugged at the rope, and the man on the tree fell down with a thud. He was hurt.

The crowd, petrified to see this happen, remarked, ''What a fool you are! Is this how you were planning to help the poor fellow?
''Well, not exactly,'' Nasruddin replied, ''I remember saving a man using the same tactic.''

Nasruddin replied, ''Yes! The only thing I am not certain about is whether I saved the person from a well or a tree!''.

#Aarika's #Mullah-Nasruddin