

Dragon King episode Three The Dragon Prince
Ten years have passed and a young Prince Tereus is growing fast in Bedgorath with the company of dragons, SludgeBlazer is an elder dragon with cooper scales and a bony club on the end of his tail. His breath is a gout of a burning lava-like substance. He is extremely intelligent and his language skills are broad and deep, he is Prince Tereus's teacher. He lives underneath a series of standing stones. Windbeam is an adult dragon with gold scales he is the blacksmith and the warrior among dragons his tails are full of sharp metals that make him more dangerous and deadly, he breathes fire and lava substance. He lives in an active volcano together with Skywing. He teaches Prince Tereus how to make swords and arrows. Soulchanger is an ancient dragon, she has silver scales and exceptionally large fangs. Her breath is a cloud of gas that can easily kill anybody. She is quite seductive and her most notable ability is to change shape into a variety of creatures. She lives in a desert just outside Bedgorath. Her hoard is infinitesimal and consists of pure magical items. She pledges loyalty and service to Prince Tereus. Thoughtrune is a young adult dragon. He has white scales and multiple horns jutting from his head. His breath is a disruptive wave of sound and poisonous gas that kills instantly, his hoard is Big. He also pledges his loyalty to Prince Tereus. Bronze Spike, is a young adult dragon. He has copper scales and bone spikes on his back. His breath is a cloud of gas that puts most being to sleep. He is quite the gourmand. His ability to read minds is superb, he lives in an abandoned underground inside Bedgorath. His hoard is medium-sized and consists almost entirely of rare and valuable spices. Doomscholar is a young adult dragon. He has red scales and notably large and vicious claws, his breath is a damaging stream of pure magic. He is a scholar at heart. His ability to work necromantic magic is powerful and dangerous. His hoard is tiny and consists entirely of valuables tomes. Four dragons pledge their loyalty to join Prince Tereus on his quest to redeem what is his, seven different characteristics joined in one goal. To make Prince Tereus the DRAGON PRINCE.

© rodpatrick