

Some special thoughts of mine. or can say stupid.
I remember that time i was of 8 or maybe 9 i start to think about my soulmate. My family members they talk about my marriage many times but mostly to tease me they talk about my groom looks my relatives said they will choose a monkey as my groom my cousins they talk about my groom to make me shy i think it's normal .╮(╯▽╰)╭ they just want to tease me.

Sometimes i think to tell him that and that (means many things) once i watched my face in mirror i thought i wish that my soulmate can watch me that time from the other side of mirror ,sometimes i think that my soulmate does he ever think about me about his soulmate maybe yes because i do that .Once my friend told me if we think about someone there is 80% chance that that person is also thinking about you ,slowly slowly when ever i tried a new hairstyle, dress or i make any cute or innocent look i wish to show them to my soulmate , sometimes i thougt for switching the bodies but only till i was not a teenager after becoming a teenager i stopped to think in that way i stopped to wish for body switch (¬_¬)
and the reason i can take the example of "Your name " anime it's embarrassing when i think that at time i want to switch my body with a boy now i don't even want to switch my body with any gay .
Now i very well now the meaning of Privacy.
It's really fun to think about my childhood thinking i felt to laugh on myself and embrace too but it's alright.

We all live in a same world but with different different fantasies .
I hope you all enjoy your own fantasy because i really enjoy my, i don't hesitate to abuse, scold myself or to call dumb, weirdo and same i don't hesitate to motivate, encourage or call myself cute.
Love Yourself don't expect anything for to do good.

Just now i think to be single is best at right age and time i would love that anonymous .

Yoo✌🏻 single party zindabaad.

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