

English Project: Letter to a freshmen.
Dear Freshmen,

How are you? You're probably feeling a little anxious, a little worried. First year, right? Seniors seem to think they can boss you around, don't let them. We're just as scared as you. We only have this year and then a giant change is coming.

But, let's not worry about that right now. Right now, you've just entered high school and you're probably wondering how you're going to get your supply list. Yeah... Each teacher wants things from you. Some teachers will want the same thing as others. If it's not a household thing like paper towels or tissues or binders, you can just buy one of those. The teachers won't expect every kid to bring the item, but usually, you'll get extra credit for it if you do bring it.

Eating: Don't forget lunch. Don't forget breakfast. These things will aid you in being able to handle the daily stresses of high school. You will be less likely to be irritable as well as being able to remember things you learned easier. This will come in handy for the next point.

Grading... Ah, grading. Grading is like this. It might change by the time you're in class, but hopefully not. You'll be introduced to three grades. Summative, Formative, and the lesser mentioned Homework. Summatives are 75% of the grade, formatives are 25%, and then if you have a homework grade, it'll be about 5 or 10% if I'm thinking right. That's alright. You got this, do what you can, get help for what you don't understand, and don't fret if it's not perfect. Any grade is better than no grade.

Space... Is your backpack too heavy? Do you suddenly have back pain? Say no more! In the first few weeks of school, you will have the option to get a locker for all your things! Beware though, passing period is only five minutes and talking to friends will eat that time up.

Teachers, counselors, admins, and other authority figures oh my! They are all here to help you, not be against you. No one wants you to fail. You don't have to feel like they do, and if they don't understand, they likely just need you to explain a little better. Deep breath, they want to see you go farther in life.


© Karia FelWell