


I'm smelling breakfast

Are you cooking?


What are we having this morning?

I didn't fix enough for the two of us!


You will have to cook your own, breakfast this morning.

since when?

Starting from today, and everyday after.

That doesn't sound right!

And guess what? it never does, at the end.

I can see there will never be any prosperity between us!

please, don't go off preaching,
to me!
now is not a good time.

I can see, as usual.
you never have the time,
but yet; you claim to be
a timeless man.

I need to know if my presence,
is bothering you?

I didn't even notice' that you was here.

Your sarcasm is far from funny.

I have to say: you never been supportive.


yes! you have heard me correctly.

It has never amaze me on how, fabulous of a liar that you are.

Since when have you, ever been concerned with the truth.

You need to stop trying, to bamboozle; your way out of life.

did you say bambooz!

Wow! that's such a big word for you, to be using.

I see you been practicing on, your vocabulary ha.

How long do you plan on using, our friendship for target practice!?

please let's not talk about targets.

have you forgotten my achievements!?

At last years shooting carnival,
I won two, first place medals.

When have your arrogance; or your conceitedness, has ever been impressive?

If you had a sense of class,
you wouldn't be standing here'
wasting my time.

Since we're big on talking about achievements.

Let's not forget, that I am the reason why, you passed the 7th grade.

you are one silly individual.

And why is that?

That was over 28 years ago!

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