

Conflicted feelings with a sense of loss. Blinded by sideshow mistakes, butterfly effect. Shadows haunt vision, and a mind is broken; weary to trust but still reaching. Only a skeleton remains from the original from of this being I call, myself. I'm hollow inside, giving all that I could eve give and only being left the scrap. I question, am I even the person I once was? Or just the shell to remind those that pain can be living. A shackle that can never be removed, yet there was still an escape from this prison. A dim light, shining in a sea of darkness. A wandering hand plunged those depths to find another, scrambling for breath. Could I continue to hold on? Should I hope that this light is my savior? Can I fight for this? Thoughts bouncing seamlessly, looking for destruction. Would you stay? A question I already knew the answer to. A glance in the mirror shows the hollow eyes, my hollow eyes of pain. Forever empty inside.

© theillusivewriter