

distant love <___3
Not every time distances kill a relationship, sometimes by getting parted temporarily love gets more stronger than it should've been because when two people love, they know that nothing exists that can destroy them and their relation.

I know this is gonna be hard, a lot hard I'd say, but deep inside we know that we've got a future ahead, a career that is necessary to be secured and a lot important for us to stay together too, afterall we wish to not leave each other right? So we'll have to get through this and I know every second every minute every hour we're gonna miss each other. But trust me this ain't gonna go worthless. All our efforts will pay. All that we've been through, all that we're going through right now, all the distances we'll have to bear, all these seperations aren't permanent, we know after all this we'll have the best times of our life, one of the best relationships that ever existed.

I have no idea how I'm gonna get through this but I'm ready to get through anything for us. I've just decided to trust your love for me and I know everything will end up fine, probably much better than it is right now. I wish these days pass by happily with your memories, remembering all that we had since the last few months and thinking of all that we'll have in the future after these tough times.

No matter how many distances we go through, no matter what problems we'll have to face during this period, no matter how much broken we feel, we know that we'll have each other's support till the end. No matter how long it takes just remember that I'm waiting for you, I'll keep waiting until the "us" returns, until you come back to me.
It's always been unfair for us, we've had enough and now I just wish after all this we have a very happy time ahead waiting for us.

And remember this distance doesn't mean we're talking a break or smtg. I'm still yours and you're still mine. It's just the contact we're losing not the love.
One more thing .....I would never ever ask for anything from you. I'm already grateful to have you, but I just wish for this one thing to happen...
"One day my boyfriend is going to accomplish everything he's ever dreamt of and I can't wait to be the girl by his side supporting him through it all "
I don't know if you remember that I showed this to you, I actually meant it at that time. I want you to be more better meanwhile. Don't worry I'm not expecting things from you I just know you can do it and if you push your limits you'll be the best and I want to support you through this.
All I want to see is happy us even if it takes the price of being seperated for a while.

I want to feel this moment. Be with you after we get through all these days.
I love you yaar !
And I know I'm gonna miss you a lottt !