

It's you, It's always you.
I always wonder why do I even exist like what's the purpose. What am I supposed to do wheather to follow my dreams and do it for the rest of my life even though it's not going to make me rich or should I make my parents and the people around me happy by doing what they say. It's always confusing , they say do what your heart says and on the other hand they say never disappoint your parents. This "they" are none other than the society. All that it has taught me is to blame. I used to blame everything I regretted and blamed this country because I couldn't become a football player, my girlfriend left me and I blamed and I blamed. Until I realised that it was me. I am responsible for my sadness my happiness whatevt it is. We try to impress others more than looking after us .Half of our problems just go away when stop giving a fuck about what others think.
It took me a lot to realize this .


© kd