

A sonnet and a free verse
Write a short story with the word "Jealousy" as the main theme……
In the world of poetry, there lived two poems who were quite different from each other. One was a sonnet, with elegant and refined language that spoke of love and passion. The other was a free verse, with raw and honest words that conveyed the pain and struggles of life.

The sonnet had always been the more popular one, and people would often recite it at weddings and special occasions. But the free verse had its own small following of admirers who appreciated its honesty and authenticity.

One day, the sonnet overheard some people discussing how beautiful and exquisite it was, and the free verse felt a pang of jealousy. It wondered why it couldn't be as celebrated as the sonnet, even though it spoke from the heart.

The jealousy grew stronger, until one day, the free verse decided to confront the sonnet. It accused the sonnet of being too traditional and predictable, and claimed that it lacked the depth and complexity of true poetry.

The sonnet listened patiently, then replied calmly, "We are both poems, but we are meant to be different. Just because some people prefer me over you doesn't mean you are any less valuable or important. We both have our own unique beauty, and that's what makes poetry so wonderful."

The free verse realized the error of its ways, and thanked the sonnet for its wisdom. From that day on, the two poems learned to appreciate each other's strengths and differences, and worked together to create even more beautiful poetry.