

My SoulFul Love with Devil Chapter 5 Memories Surround In Reality
Razilean you remember me my Anamika . I don't know who is the Anamika the truth I am not the person love with devil I am not belonging here my name Rozana . she crying Razilean very sadly leve . master where is princes Anamika Razilean silence his face . this time Rozana longle suddenly razilean enemies kidnapped . master master the servent what happened Razilean princes what princes Anamika kidnapped by lau gool Razilean hurry servent master this his trap razilean I know but nothing happened
I want protect the girl .
Razilean flaying in the sky this time
lau gool very dark night Devil hate Razilean . lau ho my princes Anamika why you love with him punishment that reason I am doing I am not Anamika I Rozana lau what this way escape here Rozana he not come here
lau he not come I going kill you don't cry . lau throw knife Razilean protect Rozana . Razilean I don't know who are you I still choose you I don't problem hate me no one hurt you .
Razilean and lau fighting I know you coming here today I going to kill you .
Razilean this all years you can't do that
fighting Razilean servent come because Razilean injury moon Full cover his power slow they 3 vanish second . servent master are you okay
Razilean princes Anamika she sleep shok . she dreaming Razilean my princess Anamika we going to marry
Anamika smile yes in the world every time I born I only love you I am your forever brid Razilean you don't remember me Anamika you make again love with you . Rozana wakeup
servent where is razilean she running .
Rozana are you okay I am sorry Razilean don't worry about me Rozana how can you say that you protect me because of me injury don't leave alone
when I say leave me don't get injury .
Razilean you worry about me ? you remember me Rozana shut up call me Rozana Razilean yes..
Rozana I so embarassed what stupid dream why my heart beat faster I don't love him I don't remember him
servent master princes Anamika Razilean more protection need servent Yes master Razilean who is the person the all things done with lau


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