

you are mine♥♥♥- part 3
stranger: yes you drove the car wrong, and i think you don't know the rules of road....

nishi: you???

before nishi could say anything piu intterupted him....
and said: look don't argue with him like this..... he is right we drove the scooti in the wrong.....

piu( turned to the stranger): thank you thank you very much....

stranger: no, no don't thank me like that..... just tell your friend to learn the rules of the road propourly......byeee....

( the stranger left)

nishi( with anger): i just can't belive it! you become my friend and thanked that rude man??? like really????

you will never talk to me agin....( said nishi angrily)
( and walked away with anger???)

piu: nishi, nishi lisen to me..... nishi plss wait......

( she also followed her)

_ she made a mistake and after that she was qurraled with me like that...( rakesh is muttering all this while he is sitting on his cabin)

( yes you heard the right the stranger is none other than rakesh😉😉😉😇😇😇)

_ may i come in sir????( said nitin rakesh's p. a)

(what's going to happen if you want to know plss stay tunned with me)

to be continued....

© little heart(disha)