

One who cried to the evening sky
Chapter 01

The chilly evening was enough to convinced her to take a stroll that night. It was one of those nights, a moonless sky riddled with stars, each differ in stellar distances, like diamonds dancing in reflected light.

It really stirs up feelings when everything is so quiet, she said to herself as she tread, unsure of her destination her mind way up into the cosmos.

Come to think of it, it had been a while since she had the peace of mind to admire the heavens. It had been a while but they all still looked the same and new altogether she thought, a nostalgic feeling tickled her entire being.

She remembered how these nights brought so much joy as a child, how it made her feel a little less scary to walk alone in the dark, how it grateful she was when it didn't rain in the evening and the moon came, in all of its phases. How that same three stars aligned together called 'Tres Marias' never fails to show up . . .

How these moonlit, starlit skies made next mornings something to look forward to.

With quickened breath, she came upon a small clearing, one she never been to nor remembered being there, or maybe she failed to noticed it. Maybe she was too caught up with her life, the life far too different from her childhood fantasies. Maybe they're just that, fantasies, she said while taking a deep, slow breath.

© Coated_Peanuts