

The Guilt of a Dead Conscience
The gold coins fell out of the velvet purse as soon as he pulled at its string. Glittering eyes stared at the precious bounty in shock. His luck had finally turned! He could stop his life of thievery on the highway and lead a respectable life.

“Help, help me…” the faint whisper belonged to the woman he thought he had murdered. Their eyes held. “Wha..what’s happened? Where am I?", she asked in confusion. "Who are you?” Just as he reached for the dagger, she whispered in fright, “Who am I? I am a poor woman. I lost my husband few months ago to Corona virus. I am five months pregnant and I already have two children of 4 and 6 respectively. I was thinking of how to cater for my poor self and the hopeless bigheaded children but there was no way. Our house had been taken by those my husband loan money from years back without refund. One of his good friend returned those golden coins which happen to be his only savings and our last hope. I wish I can die with the seed in my womb than live to watch my children dried up in merciless starvation". Her body shivered like a strayer who lost her way in the artic as oceans of tears flowed through her weakened eyelids down to her smooth cheeks. Her voice got shaken in a solemn cold fear and pleading for her attacker to let her go.

The contrasting opinions of his antagonistic mind underwent a two-way street walk; an experience he rarely had. He knew his mind had died of conscience, he never had to think before chopping off heads, cutting open wombs for ritualists, killing travellers in fatal robberies. What is special in this case that I wish to leave this bloody woman? He asked himself in silence as he fell into a psychological instability. His feet began to move backward we readiness to either escape the scene in case a passerby appeared or murder whosoever would be lucky to meet him on the good game.

His dead conscience resurrected with a weak breath "Do not harm her, she's just an innocent pregnant widow who cannot harm you. Go away with your goodies and let her live. She may not even survive the stick hitting you have already given on her head". His usual internal close friend countered with the opposite opinion, "if you let her leave, she may recall your face and lead you to your grave. Once SARS get information about you, they will hunt you to hell". He wished to listen to his weak conscience, after all, the innocent poor lady never offend him to walk by that hour of the night .

He would not feel like a man if he let her go. To prove his masculinity and according to the ethics of his profession, he decided to ignore his resurrected conscience and put an end to his discombobulation. Behold his double edge evil sharpened dagger went straight through her lower tommy, the womb is always his usual target whenever he betrayed innocent pregnant women to the dark world. The amniotic fluid flowed in mix of the innocent blood as she slept in pains. The metamorphosing human within her womb tumbled in mourning to the future it would not see.

Away he ran in a swift thrifty pace with a horrific excitement, heading home to celebrate his success with his family who would not ask the source of his bastard wealth.
© Abas Obot

To be continued
http: //abasdgreat.blogspot.com