

A teacher in disguise

‘Ahhhhhcchiii!’ This word nowadays creates fear in everyone’s life. The whole world is intimidated by a simple sneeze, and we start panicking thinking that we are in the clutch of an invisible enemy CORONA. From the past 5 months, CORONA has become the 'talk of the town'.

The whole world is under locked down. We are forced to be confined to our homes.

Roaming freely without any fear has become a memory. Sanitizer, facemasks have become an integral part of our life. ‘2 gaj ki durri’ has become a new norm.

Markets have crashed, the economy is at its nadir, and recession is at its pinnacle.
The whole environment has become so negative that at times I feel suffocated.

Wherever I go discussion and threat of corona follow me. I am fed up with this, so that’s why thought of writing something.

'Every coin has two sides'. We all know about Corona’s cons, but it has some pros too. It has been a teacher in disguise. I have learned some basic values of life in this crisis time.

Thought of sharing this with you people to spread some positivity.

First, I would like to thank almighty that I am still alive and safe. Second my sincere condolences to the family of all the people who lost their lives. May their soul rest in peace.

I understood the real meanings of proverbs, sayings, stories which I used to study in primary school.

That time I just studied for the sake of studying, today a tiny virus helped me to understand them.

Simple Living, high thinking- Corona has made me realized that we have a very meagre necessity. Due to corona, we are living a simple life without any show-off. It made me realized that I used to spend extravagantly to maintain a status in society which is petty.

Cleanliness is next to Godliness- Nowadays I am taking bath at least  twice a day. From time to time I am washing hands, which usually I  used to ignore. I  have become more cleanliness freak. I am pretty confident all of you are doing the same thing.

Nowadays hygiene has been my first priority. Cleanliness is given much importance in religious affair.


Health is wealth — Before corona, the most neglected part was my health. Corona helped me understand that every other thing is futile if you do not have good immunity and health. It helped me to focus on my health. I hope all of you are taking proper care of your health.

Shram Ki pratistha- In 6th class, I read a story which describes that in our society we do not value low wage earners like domestic help, barbers, rag pickers, etc. 

As the world is under house arrest, domestic help, barbers, etc. are not available. I realized their importance now. I am longing for their return. Now I realized how much effort our domestic help put in.

It has also shown us the importance of relationships. It has shown us work-life balance is very important. Generally, we don’t use to get much time with our family. But now we are getting ample time with our families. We can do kinds of stuff that we always wanted to and explore our talent. In other words, it has given us a break from a 'rat race'.

Corona has also showed us that we should never have arrogance. Actions of human beings, the most intelligent creature on earth is now governed by a mere microorganism. A mere microorganism is making us move on its finger tips. Hilarious! isn't it? Corona showed us that arrogance never lasts.

Last but not the least Mother Nature is healing. Quality of air and water in the river is improved drastically.
This was obvious as human beings, the ultimate threat to nature is not there to exploit it. It has also taught us to have compassion towards other living beings.
It also showed us that World was created not only for humans but for every other creature.
So 'live and let live' should be our motto.

CORONA should be an eye-opener about what we have done to the beautiful planet.
We should consider this pandemic as a warning from God that ‘we are a guest on earth and not its owner’.

I am eagerly waiting for this disaster to end, and we can live freely without any fear.



Please read and share your learnings too. Lets spread some positivity.




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