

Tales of the secret heart !

Chapter No: 1: Rain, Coffee & Doorbell

I strolled inside the balcony with a hot cup of coffee. As soon as I glanced up at the black clouds, it indicated that anytime sooner it could rain. The weather was quite pleasant and soothing. As the gentle breeze contacted my skin, I felt serene because it gradually pulled down my exhausted and troubled mind. I had a hectic day as I was struggling with my daily schedule, which includes college commencing at 9, and prior to that, I have my Bharatnatayam class allocated, and connecting to it, I have to juggle with my part-time job, which is accepted from 5 to 8. 

I am aware of how I actually came here. Nothing new; it was for me, as I too belong to a typical yet upper-middle-class family. Due to family issues, I stabilized myself to stay in an isolated environment where I could have a peaceful time.

After a lot of debates, here I am in my 2-bedroom apartment, which is all close to my college and at a decent distance from Bharatnatayam class. However, it takes me 1 hour to join my office. 

Bored I feel at times longing to be with someone I feel like talking with, but I switch them with good novels and coffee time. No option was left but to find good divertissements. 

Yet, these tight and hectic schedules are overwhelming at times for me, but it's for my own good to be busy. The night passed with lengthy overthinking while it badly rained out. 

Following my regular routine, I woke up at 5 a.m. sharp, landed myself in my freshroom to cleanse myself completely, and swiped myself into a purple anarkali. I proceeded to make a perfect and healthy breakfast for myself with my hair tied in my towel and pinned up. The window that was situated inside the kitchen helped me notice the drizzle. It was raining boisterously last night, and to my surprise, it was still drizzling. 

I prepared a cup of coffee for me to enjoy before I start my hectic day, and so I took the hot cup of coffee and strolled into my living room. I had already collected my newspaper, which was now situated on the table. I grasped the paper, and before I set myself down on the couch, I uncurtained the balcony to witness the serene scene and to feel the caressing air. 

I sipped my coffee as I caught a glimpse of the drenched scenario, and later I walked towards my couch and got settled. I read the news and kept witnessing nature through the balcony view. 

The doorbell distracted me. I kept the newspaper on the table and walked towards the door, gripping my coffee cup before I could unlatch the door. I placed my coffee on the showcase table. 

As I opened the door, my eyes met a youthful and well-built person erected in front of my eyes in his formal attire. 

"Hello, good morning!" He said it with a small smile. While struggling to put a name to his identity. I tried not to showcase a lack of manners, I said out.

"Good morning!" 

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